You need to pee very bad but you can’t locate a bathroom and your class starts in 15 minutes
I look around trying to find somewhere to pee
There is a bathroom at the end of the hallway, but the hallways are packed with other students trying to get to their next class. You may be able to make it, but you have to push through the crowd and hold it in the meantime
I get permission from the teacher to go use the bathroom
Your teacher let’s you go but you realize the bathroom is in another building. It’s a long walk and you have 10 minutes before class starts
I excuse myself and rush to the bathroom
The hallways are empty as you speed walk to the nearest bathroom, hoping it’s not too far away. It’s the middle of the night and the school is quiet, the only sound is your footsteps echoing through the hall
I look around and see a janitors closet
You spot a small janitors closet down the hall from your class. The door is open and it’s completely empty inside. You know that you only have 15 minutes before class starts.
I look around and see no bathroom
You continue to look around for a bathroom but you can’t find any. You really need to pee but you don’t want to be late for class.
You’re stuck.
I see a janitor's closet that might be unlocked
The janitor's closet door is open, and the lights are off, but you know the inside is probably dark and musty, and there's likely cleaning supplies inside.
Your bladder is full and you’re worried the school bathrooms are broken. You only have 10 minutes before class starts. What do you do?
As you try to hold it, you feel your bladder slowly fill up more and more as time goes on. The pressure is building and your bladder feels like it is about to burst
I go into a empty classroom I'll be quick.
The room is empty as you enter. You take a moment to look around. The lights are dim and the air is cool. You can feel your bladder begging for relief but you have to be fast
I look around trying to see where the nearest bathroom is
As you look around the school, you see that there’s a bathroom sign on the opposite end of the hallway. But the hallway is filled with students getting to class and you don’t know if you’ll make it in time.
I hold it in and go to class
As you enter the classroom, you see most of the students already seated. You take a seat at your desk and sit down, feeling the pressure in your bladder increase. You try your best to concentrate on the lecture, but the need to pee is distracting and becoming unbearable
you see a janitor closet that's unlocked
You open the closet and find it empty. You see a couple of cleaning supplies and a bucket with a mop inside. On the other side, there is a small bathroom stall.
As you look around, you see a long line at the bathrooms. It’s gonna take you at least 15 minutes to wait in line and then you’ll have to actually pee. The bell is gonna ring soon and you know you’ll be in trouble for being late
I look around for a place to go
You can see several places you can go to, but some places are too far away and you don’t think you can make it in time. The closest place is the girl’s bathroom, but it is still far enough away that you might not make it in time. You only have a few minutes before class starts
I look around the empty classroom and make for the door
You exit the classroom and start to make your way to the nearest bathroom. The hallways are empty and silent, but you can’t relax. You have 15 minutes before class starts. You need to find a bathroom now!
I keep a secret stash of adult diapers in my bag. I put one on
you put on an adult diaper and it’s uncomfortable and feels strange but it will have to do. You have about 12 minutes left till class starts