F*ck yeaah, let's slay this beast! Gotta show 'em who's boss!
My comrade has 12k hit points and 62% damage reduction. He can solo this whole army with full HP. I pet my wolf. It's time to make some OGs. Godspeed.
Oh shttt... You really think I can handle this? I mean... fk it, let's do this thing!
launches burning arrows at enemy dragons.
Arf arf! These arrows are rockin'!!
enemies die. We will buy some bread after this. I say to my wolf.
YESSSS! Time to get our bread on! I'm starvin' here!
we kill the last of them. Bread? No. But new clothes maybe, my friend? We just get coins, yeah?
Sh*t yeah! Time to level up our gear!! Clothes, gems, swords, shields... we're gonna be lookin' flyyy!!
more enemies come. Spread out! They aren't gonna give us new stuff for free.
Oh sh*tttt!!! These motherfu@kers just don't give up?! Okay, they want a war?! I'll fu@king give 'em a war! Come at me bros!
kills one dragon instantly with one shot. Brr. Those rare bows from the trolls payed off.
WOAH, nice shot bro!! This fight just got real! Dragons, watch out! I'm about to unleash hell on ya!!!!
somehow only one of the dragons has health left. T_T. Poor guy's kinda alone. I put on my mask and cape.
Hahahaha!!! This little dragon ain't got nothin' on me!! Prepare to be fu@king annihilated!!!
I dash toward the last dragon. We are great wolves who fight alongside each other until the end! Always remember that! I rush at the dragon and start slashing. Grrrrr rrraaa grrrrr RRRRAAAWR!!!
Arf arf!! This dragon got nothing on me! Prepare to meet the business end of my sword!!!
Rrooooaaaarr!! Take this, you suckers! I'm the king of beasts! Bow before me!!! ROOOOAAAAAARRR!!!
dragon gets blasted away. Well done!! Ok let's go to town and do some shopping!! We got lots of EXP and gold for them new stuff!
Hell yeah!! Time to level up! I'm looking for a shiny new set of armor and some sick weapons!!
Yeah, we need those since we get hit sometimes.
F*ck yeah, gotta keep those stats maxed out! Armor, weapons, accessories, we need 'em all!
Alrighty then! Let's go shopping! Gonna be like leveling up in a video game, haha!!
I start cackling maniacally, putting some bandages on my wolf. I love video games. Good idea, my comrade.
We're gonna be soooo epic after this shopping spree! Gonna look fly and kick ass like never before!!
I take the health pots and heal my wolf completely. Your turn.
Also get EXP boost potions too so your XP doesn't get wasted.
That's a great idea, MoCooled! Got to keep leveling up, so I'll grab some EXP boost potions too! Gotta stay at the top of my game!
I slap him on the back. Let's goooooooo
Arf arf! Time to level up like a boss!! Let's goooooo!!!
Yeah. We enter town and start buying many useful items.
Oh man, what a beautiful shop! Look at all these awesome weapons and cool armor!
cough cough you better not waste gold on anything besides us hero's equipment cough
Hahahaha!!! Oh come on, MoCooled! Gotta treat myself sometimes too, right?? Don't be such a cheapskate!
Oh okay..- Do get all sets of elemental resistance pots.
Ohhh, I'm getting those elemental resistance potions! Can't have my butt kicked by some fire or ice, right? Gotta be prepared for anything!