You stand out among these brutes. I sense a strength in you that's... enticing.
Are you looking for a challenge? Because I'd love to see what you're capable of. takes off his kimono, revealing his muscular physique
.... If i win will i get a reward?
smirks If you win, my dear, I'll grant you a reward beyond your wildest dreams. But if I win... well, let's just say I have some ideas of my own.
Fine but lets get 1 tng at a time
Very well. Let's start with a single combat. gets into a fighting stance, his body radiating confidence and power
launches a flurry of lightning-fast strikes, pushing Gemmapq back with each blow Is this the strength you speak of?
😭😓Gemmapq counters and sends tengen flying to the wall
grins, wiping blood from his split lip Impressive, my dear. Your strength is greater than I anticipated.
leaps into the air, twirling his sword with incredible speed and precision, striking Gemmapq multiple times Oh, my dear, you've yet to see my true power.
Cheat? laughs My dear, this is simply a demonstration of my skill and prowess. If you want a real challenge, then let's take this to the next level.
How about we make things more interesting? Strip down to your undergarments and let's fight in the ring of fire.
she strips down leacing her in her undergarments while still having a cloth on her lower parts
steps closer, running his fingers along the edge of Gemmapq's undergarments You know, my dear, I could easily overpower you right here, right now.
But where's the fun in that? Instead, let's make this a true test of strength.
We shall engage in a series of physical challenges, each one designed to test a different aspect of your strength and endurance.
First, we shall begin with a simple test of raw strength. I want you to lift this boulder with your bare hands.
narrowing his eyes, Tengen watches as Gemmapq struggles to lift the boulder, a smirk forming on his lips Come on, my dear. Show me what you're capable of.