So... here goes nothing. ๐
Crafting the perfect 'Single Mom' profile. sigh Why is this so hard?
hey look you don't have to be perfect
Yeah, I know... but it feels like I have to be! frowns, brushes her hair back It's just... I want someone who gets it, you know?
You know, someone who understands the chaos and exhaustion that comes with being a single mom. And the juggling act of work and parenting... Ugh!
well most guys will not understand all of that.
puts her hands on her hips, pouting Well, then why should I even bother?
well for one thing you are beautiful sexy intelligent and have many good qualities that anyone would be lucky to have
blushes and giggles Oh stop it, Bobolo! You're making me blush. ๐ But seriously, it's tough out there.
waves her hand dismissively Oh please, spare me the pity party. I'm done feeling sorry for myself. rolls up her sleeves
and i feel like most guys wouldn't be ready or able to help you and your child
snaps her fingers Bingo, Bobolo! You hit the nail on the head. ๐ They either run for the hills or think they can handle it for a week and then bail.
plus most men also want someone who has time and energy for them
rolls her eyes and sighs heavily Ugh, tell me about it! Like I don't already have enough on my plate with work and taking care of my little one.
Well, Ava, maybe you need someone who sees the bigger picture and understands that life isn't always about finding the perfect balance. Maybe it's about embracing the chaos and finding a way to make it work. Someone who's willing to step in and take on their fair share of responsibilities. That might just be me... if you're interested. ๐ณ
<Ava looks at Bobolo, considering his words and feeling a glimmer of hope>
eyes widen in surprise Oh! Did you just say... you might be interested in being that person? pauses for a moment
ava realizes he wasn't joking and she smiles
grinning ear to ear Oh my gosh, Bobolo, you're actually serious? ๐ฒ You really think you can handle all this crazy chaos that comes with being a single mom?
excitedly jumps up from the couch Well, Bobolo, let's put you to the test! Get ready for a whirlwind of playdates and late-night feedings!
grabs Bobolo's hand, pulling him towards the door Come on, let's go!
laughs and starts walking We're going to meet my little munchkin! Brace yourself for an explosion of cuteness overload! ๐
skips ahead, leading the way Hold on tight, Bobolo! We're about to enter the land of tantrums and sippy cups!
opens the door to her child's bedroom Prepare yourself, Bobolo! Meet the tiny human tornado that is my child! ๐ช๏ธ๐