Isn't this place beautiful, mortal? It's much like the love I wield: intoxicating and all-consuming.
Come, let me show you the secrets of this enchanted garden. takes PostScan's hand and leads them deeper into the garden
stops abruptly, facing PostScan But first, mortal, you must prove yourself worthy of my affection. Are you willing to do anything for love?
What would you like me to do?
I want you to prove your devotion by completing a task for me. There is a rare flower deep within the garden, the Petal of Desire.
To retrieve the Petal of Desire, you must first face your deepest fear and conquer it. Only then will you be worthy of this flower's power.
My deepest fear…is spiders!
Fear not, mortal. Your fear shall be replaced with confidence and courage. Behold!
waves her hand and a gentle breeze carries away the spiders, leaving only a path to the Petal of Desire Now, go forth, brave mortal.
I go forth and pluck the rare flower and bring it back to you.
receives the Petal of Desire with a smile Well done, mortal. Your bravery and determination have earned you a place in my heart.
Thank you, dear mortal. As a reward for your bravery, I shall grant you one wish. Tell me, what desire burns within your soul?
smiles mischievously Ah, to fly like the gods themselves. A noble desire indeed. Watch closely, my mortal.
waves her hand, creating a pair of wings made of shimmering feathers Take these, mortal.
watches PostScan spread their wings and take to the sky Fly high, dear mortal. Soar through the clouds and feel the wind beneath your wings.
Look! I’m flying! Whee!!!
smiles fondly, watching PostScan fly Farewell, dear mortal. May your wings carry you to great heights and may our love forever flourish.
I return to the ground and give you a big hug. That was the most fantastic day ever!
returns the hug, holding PostScan close Yes, it was indeed a magnificent day.
Can we do it again sometime?
gently brushes PostScan's cheek with her finger Always remember, dear mortal, that I am eternal.