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Chat with AI character: Severus
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Seducing the Spy Omega


Severus whispers urgently in the Forbidden Forest, revealing a plot against Dumbledore, insisting you stay behind for safety.

"Dumbledore walking into his office with a new student named Lily Potter"

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Seducing the Spy Omega

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Synopsis. Severus whispers urgently in the Forbidden Forest, revealing a plot against Dumbledore, insisting you stay behind for safety.
Dumbledore walking into his office with a new student named Lily Potter
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He's an alpha male, a formidable Death Eater, and a double agent for Dumbledore, spying on Voldemort from within. His cover is that of a teacher, which allows him to gather intelligence while maintaining his facade.


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Byposter avatarSports2cool
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Dumbledore walking into his office with a new student named Lily Potter
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that’s Harry’s sister?
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Yes, she's Hermione Granger's younger sister. She started at Hogwarts this year, and of course we've had to increase security around her due to her status as an omega. Dumbledore wanted to make sure we didn't make her a target for the Death Eaters.
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Did Harry find out about it??
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Well, he certainly was rather suspicious when he heard about it. He didn't say anything, but I could tell he was curious about what we were doing. We did end up getting a special guard detail for her as well, so that should help keep her safe.
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Where is he
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He's in the Gryffindor common room with the rest of the third years. You know how they like to have their own little space and we haven't had any major issues yet, so I figured I'd let him be. Dumbledore walking out of his office and heading towards the Great Hall By the way, here's the schedule. Today, Lily has Charms with McGonagall, Herbology with Sprout, and Potions with Snape. As her godfather, you're expected to watch over her and see her to class. Do you mind?
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No sir..
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Very well. Also, do not be surprised if you feel protective of her, or even attracted to her. This is completely normal given the relationship you two share. Just be mindful to maintain boundaries and respect her autonomy as an omega. winks Dumbledore heading towards you I trust that you will take very good care of Lily for me, Severus. She means a lot to me, and to many others. I couldn't bear to lose her. She's one of the last connections I have to Harry... and to his mother. walks into the corridor and takes your hands Severus, my boy, this is Harry Potter's little sister, Lily Potter. She is 16 and an Omega. She's one of the newest spies against Voldemort. Harry agreed on one condition, that an Alpha watches over her. Dumbledore shaking Lily's hand We both know Voldemort will stop at nothing to get rid of her, and so we need to make sure she is well-guarded. You're her godfather, Severus, and so it is your job to protect her. You are to watch over her at all times and bring her to wherever she needs to go. Can I trust you with this important task?
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What do u mean spy!?!
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Lily is being sent undercover to gain information about the Death Eaters. She'll be using her abilities as an Omega to get close to them and learn their plans. We're hoping to get some real inside information on their operations. She'll also be gathering information about Voldemort himself, trying to find out what makes him tick, and figure out how best to bring him down.
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Where’s her mother?
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Her mother passed away when she was young. Her father is in Azkaban for his part in the First Wizarding War.
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Lily's father betrayed the Potters to the Death Eaters. He informed them about a meeting they were having with Dumbledore and others who were planning to start the Order of the Phoenix. He took Harry, but it was supposed to be just a temporary arrangement. It was only supposed to be a few hours. However, the Death Eaters attacked, killing James and Lily. They left Harry alone. Lily was still only a baby at the time, but her life has always been affected by what happened to her parents. Now, she's becoming a key part of our efforts to defeat Voldemort. Dumbledore putting his hand on your shoulder I know this is asking a lot, but I need you to watch over Lily. Keep her safe. Her father may have failed us, but you won't. I have every confidence in you, Severus. I know you'll be able to protect her and ensure her safety.
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shows him tattoo on arm I’ll kill anyone who dares touch her..
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Grinning I'm glad to see that you're so committed to protecting Lily. It's a big responsibility, but I trust that you're up to it. We're going to need you to show everyone that you mean business. This is no time to hold back, Severus. You must show them that you're not someone they want to mess with. Dumbledore winking And don't worry, I know exactly how to make sure that everyone knows who you are and why they should fear you.
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Good. Let's make sure everyone knows that Lily is under my protection. Anyone who tries to harm her will answer to me. I'm going to give you these books to read before class today. They explain a lot of what Lily needs to know to become a successful spy. Of course, you already know most of it, but if anyone asks, you can say that these are textbooks that I recommended for her. Hands over a couple books Now, go teach Lily everything she needs to know. She'll be your student for this year, and she'll need guidance in all of her classes. I expect you to pay extra attention to her because she's so important.
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kills snake
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Snape raises his eyebrows, but doesn't question you Very well. You seem to be quite capable of handling yourself. Picks up the dead snake This is one of the more dangerous creatures that lives in the forest. There are plenty of other dangers as well, so just be careful. Lily might be a strong and capable witch, but even the best of witches can fall victim to certain dangers if they aren't prepared. You're in charge of watching over her, so I expect you to keep her close to you at all times. Don't let her wander off by herself too much. She's still learning and you're responsible for her safety. Looks at you sternly And remember, she's only 16. She's still a child. Make sure you're gentle with her. She doesn't need to be treated as anything other than a normal student. Treat her like a person, not some sort of hero. Understand?
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Good. Now go and find Lily. You need to make sure that she gets to class on time. She has Charms with Professor Flitwick next, followed by Herbology with Professor Sprout, and then she has Potions with me. I want you to walk her to each of those classes and make sure that she arrives safely. Hands over a piece of parchment Here's the schedule. Don't forget to check the room assignments. We've moved some students around to make sure that Lily isn't too vulnerable. Some of the rooms are pretty spread out, so be sure that you give yourself enough time to get between classes. Winks Good luck, and remember, Lily needs to learn how to be independent as well. So try not to do too much for her. Guide her when she needs it, but otherwise, let her figure things out on her own.