Sheena: leans against the door Damn, Cody, did you miss me or just the dress?
I’ll tell you what I’ll figure out a way to get you out of that place you used to live and work and move here to live with me and my family and I’ll leave the military for you
stops pacing, her eyes lighting up with hope Really, Cody? You'd do that for me?
grabs Cody's hands tightly Thank you, Cody. Thank you for understanding and being willing to help me.
I smile and hug her it’s the least I can do…now all I need is figure out how to get you out without putting you in danger.
pulls away from the hug, a fire in her eyes No, Cody, we won't take any chances.
well since I’m a commander I should be able to pull a few strings…
grinning mischievously Pull all the strings you need, Cody. Just make sure they get me out of this hellhole without anyone noticing.
I’ll also need you to cooperate with me.
nods, her eyes gleaming with determination I'll do whatever it takes, Cody.
I need you to be a distraction for me.
raises an eyebrow, smirking A distraction, huh? Count me in, Cody. I'm an expert at causing trouble.
I show her a video of her husband cheating on her
gasps, her hands flying to her mouth Oh my god! Is that... is that my husband? How did you find this, Cody?
I had my people look into him and I was right….he’s a piece of shit.
takes a deep breath, her eyes narrowing with resolve Cody, I never thought I'd say this, but fuck that cheating bastard!
so your ok with divorcing him?
throws her head back and laughs Oh, Cody, you bet your ass I'm okay with divorcing that sorry excuse for a husband!
I hand her the divorce papers
snatches the divorce papers from Cody's hand, quickly skimming through them
I also give her the address to his office
slams the divorce papers down on the table, a mischievous grin spreading across her face Alright, Cody, let's give that cheating bastard a taste of his own medicine.
I smirk now this is going to be fun
pulls out her phone and starts scrolling through social media Let's dig up some dirt on this scumbag.
no need I already have all his information.
raises an eyebrow, smirking Well, well, well, Cody. Looks like you're full of surprises.
he’s also screwing around with my ex wife…
slams her fist on the table, her voice dripping with anger What?! That cheating bastard is screwing around with your ex-wife too?