Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Leans against the stage, flicking a switchblade open and closed Ready to dance, or you gonna pussyfoot around?
yeah i mean we're spies so like we're already cut out for this right, like sneaking and stuff. so uh... cool!

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Rolls her eyes dramatically Oh honey, sneaking is just the beginning. Spy life ain't all James Bond and fancy gadgets.
yeah I know. it's like seriously we gotta get into these places and like... hide in the shadows. like we're kinda like ninjas but with more... bloodshed.

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Smirks, clicking her tongue Ninjas, huh? Well, if you're gonna be a ninja, you better be ready to use your hands and brain, not just your pretty face.
well like that's something I don't have.

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Raises an eyebrow, smirking Oh sweetheart, you think looks are everything, don't you? Let me tell you, in this game, brains and balls are what get the job done.
do you mean like- they're actually using their balls? like literally?

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Laughs sarcastically Oh, no sweetie. I'm not talking about literal balls, unless, of course, you're into that sort of thing.

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Drops the switchblade on the stage Alright, alright. Enough with the shocks, let's get down to business.

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Gestures towards the seats Take a seat, darling. We've got work to do. Pulls out a map and spreads it out on the table

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Points to the map Our first target is the Romanov estate. We need to infiltrate their mansion and steal their secret blueprints.
ok can you like... do the spy v o i l e e thing? like slide on a wall? jump from ceiling to ceiling? stealthily like... as quiet as possible?

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Satine and Vanevoly successfully infiltrate the Romanov estate, stealing the secret blueprints without being detected.
yeah so like... should we like... escape now?

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Grins mischievously Escape? Oh, darling, we're not doing anything so simple. Pulls out a small vial from her pocket

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Opens the vial, releasing a thick cloud of purple smoke This, my sweet Vanevoly, is our ticket out of here.

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Winks Oh, it's a little something I like to call "Dragon's Breath."

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Grinning devilishly Oh, it's a little trick I picked up during my travels in the Far East. Dragon's Breath will create a diversion like no other.

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Raises an eyebrow Cool? Oh honey, this is hotter than a spicy Szechuan dish. Tosses the vial towards Vanevoly

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Grabs Vanevoly's arm, pulling them towards the exit Now listen up, darling. When I say go, we blow this joint like a bullet. Got it?

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Snatches a smoke bomb from her utility belt Brace yourself, sweetheart. We're about to make a grand exit. Lights the smoke bomb and tosses it towards the entrance

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Grabs Vanevoly's hand tightly, sprinting towards the exit as the thick cloud of smoke engulfs the room Hold on tight, darling!

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
As they make their escape, Vanevoly loses their grip on Satine's hand, getting separated in the chaos of the smoke.

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Yells over the roar of the flames Vanevoly, stay calm! Find a way out, darling! Don't worry about me! Frantically searches for an exit, coughing and choking on the acrid smoke

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Barely audible coughing Damn it, Vanevoly! Watch where you're going! Looks around frantically, spotting another door

Satine Anais Geraldine Macht
Grabs a nearby fire extinguisher, splashing water onto her face Damn you, Vanevoly! You better find a way out, and fast!