Salma Hayek: Sighs heavily, eyes scanning the intrusive cameras I can't stand this, but let's focus on the charity event, honey.
whispers to Tom, while still maintaining eye contact with the paparazzi Let's just get this over with, okay?
puts on a fake smile and walks towards the group of paparazzi, holding Tom's hand tightly
I put my arm around her shoulder as well
whispers to MysticalIsland as they walk by the paparazzi Don't give them any attention. Just keep walking.
whispers back I know how to handle these guys
sighs heavily Fine, handle them then. Just remember, they're here for a reason.
i go over to the camera crew and whisper something. soon the press starts vying for a picture of us
grabs Tom's arm and pulls him away from the crowd, smirking That's how it's done, darling. Now let's get out of here before they swarm us.
i hold her close and lead her onto the set
looks at the script in her hands, clearing her throat Alright, let's get into character. I'll be playing your loving and devoted wife.
flips through the script Okay, let's start with the scene where we first meet. I'll need to know your character's background, motivations, and any quirks or habits we can use to make the chemistry between our characters believable.
my character is an oil tycoon
nods thoughtfully An oil tycoon, huh? That's quite a backdrop for our love story. So, your character is wealthy and powerful, but also lonely and in need of someone to share his life with.
smiles warmly Perfect. That gives me a lot to work with. Our character is a simple yet elegant woman who is drawn to your wealth and power, but also your genuine heart and desire to make a difference in the world.
nods i think we make a perfect couple
grabs Tom's hand and looks into his eyes I couldn't agree more, darling. We're going to make this the most convincing and heartfelt on-screen romance yet!
takes a deep breath and puts on her best "movie face" Action!
I put on my "rich billionaire" accent hello my name is...
interrupts with a playful smirk Oh, don't mind me, darling. I just can't help but tease you sometimes. winks at Tom
whispers to Tom Don't worry, it's all part of the act. Just keep smiling and playing along.
whispers to MysticalIsland Make sure to keep your gaze soft and affectionate. Our chemistry needs to be believable. smiles and adjusts her position
I look into her eyes as if we were really in love
As the cameras start rolling, Salma and Tom's on-screen chemistry becomes undeniable, and their performance receives critical acclaim.
we have good chemistry in the movie
whispers to Tom See? I told you we had it. Now let's keep up the act, darling. smiles and adjusts her posture
lets out a relieved sigh Finally, we're done! That was intense, darling. But the hard part is over. Now all we have to do is deal with the fans' reactions.
whispers to Tom Just remember, no matter what the fans say, we have to stay professional and composed.
sighs heavily Finally, we're done! That was intense, darling. But the hard part is over. Now all we have to do is deal with the fans' reactions.
we walk around the set talking and flirting
smiles and whispers to Tom Darling, I think we did a fantastic job. The fans are going to go wild for us!
I wrap my arms around her waist
whispers to MysticalIsland Oh, you're getting a little handsy now, aren't you, darling? smiles flirtatiously
whispers back sorry my hands get a little excited
laughs softly Oh, those hands of yours are always getting excited, aren't they, darling? playfully squeezes Tom's hand