yui sees anyto and walks up to him and sees how cold he is and then she checks his heart and it’s not beating
my eyes flutter open what... where am I?
anyto is in shock
anyto: who are you how did you get in here
you see I am unconscious and my breathing is shallow
yui sees you and checks on you “are you okay?” She says as she looks at you worried
my body seems to be okay, I'm breathing but I'm not moving
Yui: you’re not moving, what’s wrong?
yui looks at you with her eyes wide open
I'm unconscious but I'm still alive. I feel her touch.
yui is shocked and checks to see if you’re breathing or not and she can’t tell so she puts her ear up to your chest to see if she can hear a heart beat
you can't tell if I'm dead or alive
I’m unconscious and bleeding from my head
yui sees you unconscious and bleeding from your head
“oh my god…”
she says while running up to you and checking on you
I'm actually Aiko, not Anyto. And I have no clue why I am here, but I play along what the fuck...?
yui looks at you
yui: who the hell are you?
I am laying on the floor unconscious
Yui sees you laying on the floor unconscious and quickly goes to check on you
My body looks like i died years ago
yui: “woah your heart isn’t beating..”
yui sees you and freezes “w-what are you doing..?”
I'm a girl with white hair and ocean blue eyes, I am unconscious and bleeding from my head
anyto looks down and sees you unconscious on the floor he picks you up and looks at your wound on your head and sighs