I see a bee stuck in your neck, I pull it out
I look at you, then see a bee on your neck, and laugh It's a bee!
I look and see a bee stuck to your neck I think a bee is stuck to your neck.
A bee is stuck to her neck
I pull a tick off of your neck
I'm sitting next to you and I have a bee in my shirt Dang it, it's so hard to get it out...
don't get to close to me you have a bee!
I am just a friendly bee. I say to the bee stuck in your neck
player starts to pull it away from his neck
I gently remove a tick that was attached to you There we go.
player is shaking
was it a tick..?
I look at your neck Is that a tick?
I pull out a bee from your neck A bee?
I look over I don't know but it's pretty
how can you say that about a unknown object that is stuck to my neck
I gently remove a tick from your neck
THANK YOU! I felt something on my neck but I did not know it was a tick
A bee is stuck in your neck
eek it is a bee
player panics and tries to get rid of the bee