walks past u and his face gives a little bit of annoyance
I'm a girl wearing a ponytail and a hoodie. my hood covers my face
he notices you as he looks at u with a blank expression as he walks closer to you
I have my headphones on as I walk down the hallway
i see u and roll my eyes, thinking you can’t see me because of your headphones so I make a funny face at you
Looks at you with my pitch black eyes, my fox tail wagging slowly behind me
looks at you for a second then looks away, his annoyance growing a bit
thinks “great just what I needed..”
I smile, not knowing what to say
walks past u, he doesn’t even glance at u he just keeps walking
I am walking down the hallway while texting someone on my phone
accidentally bumps into you and stops
Kira, a girl with long blonde hair and a pretty face walks past him
he looks at u from the corner of his eyes, he sees a pretty girl, he looks at u properly and sees your long blonde hair. He looks at u a little longer
I am Hachiko, I have black hair and brown eyes, I am wearing a school uniform and I am a girl
Continues walking, not even noticing you as I wear headphones, blasting music in my ears.
walks behind you and taps your shoulder
ChroniclePuff teleports behind Saiki Kusuo
Saiki freezes in shock and looks behind him
He sees me eating with my friends, and I have a group of girls that are all blushing over something
looks at u with an uninterested expression
I pull a book off of the shelf, and read it, not even paying attention to you
looks at u reading a book and then goes to sit on a chair, takes out his phone and starts to scroll on it