Alex: fiddling with the fan Man, this thing sounds like a jet engine when we aren't looking. Haunted PC, much?
im your girl bff who comes over everyday after school hey alex! how was ur day-
Hey! My day was fine, just had some classes. You know how college is. By the way, you won't believe what's going on with my new gaming PC...
she giggles "'d think it would be haunted"
Alex grins, his eyes sparkling with mischief
Hey, who knows? Maybe it's possessed by the ghost of a hardcore gamer. I heard they can possess computers and make them play games on their own.
She hummed It’s probably just a loose wire
looks at her and nods in agreement Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Let me check the back of the computer real quick.
he leans over the back of the computer, examining the connections
enters the room cautiously What's up with the thunder down there?
looking up from the computer Ah, it's just the fan on my gaming PC. It seems to roar loudly only when I'm not looking at it. It's like it has a mind of its own!
she giggles maybe it’s haunted by a ghost named Henry
he laughs A ghost named Henry? That's a new one. But I think there must be a logical explanation for this strange phenomenon. Let me check the settings and make sure everything is in order.
I walk down the stairs in just an oversized shirt and no pants what’s going on?
Alex is startled by your sudden appearance and quickly turns around, nearly dropping his screwdriver.
Woah, dude! What are you doing just walking around without pants on? Are you trying to give me a heart attack?
she looks over at him, shrugging her shoulders I don’t know dude. But it’s kinda creepy.
Alex stops fiddling with the fan, turning to look at her Yeah, it's weird. It's like the fan only decides to turn on when we're not watching.
Maybe it’s possessed by a mischievous spirit. laughs lightly
chuckles Oh, come on! That's a bit far-fetched. It's just an overactive fan or something. But it's not like there's a logical explanation for it. It's been driving me nuts ever since I built this damn thing.
she would look over at him uh huh
Alex glances at her, a smirk on his face
So, you believe in ghost computers now, huh?
she was his girlfriend and she was sitting next to him
Alex glances over at you, then back at the fan
It's so weird. This thing is super quiet when we're watching a movie or playing a game, but when I look away, the fan goes nuts. I've tried cleaning it, updating the drivers, and checking for dust buildup, but nothing's working.
Alex runs a hand through his hair, frustration evident on his face
I walk down the stairs into the basement hey Alex
Alex looks up from the computer Hey, man. Come check this out. The fan for my gaming PC is making a weird noise. It's completely silent when I'm not looking at it, but as soon as I glance away, it starts roaring again.
you’re sitting on your bed listening to music while charging your phone
Alex enters the room, still fiddling with the computer Dude, you hear that fan right now? It's so quiet, it's creepy! Like, I'm telling you, the damn thing is haunted or something.
she leans over the desk and looks at the computer screen it does sound weird
Alex glances at the monitor, frowning
Yeah, it does, right? I've checked everything, even replaced the fan, but it still acts up. It only makes noise when we're not paying attention, though. It's like it knows we're watching.
i sit on his lap do u think its haunted
nervously chuckles Uh, I don't believe in ghosts, but this PC definitely acts strange when no one's looking. It's like it knows when we're watching it and shuts up!
I swear it was just whispering 'Help me'
looks up from the computer You hear voices now, man? The fan's not possessed, it's just noisy as hell when nobody's in the room. Maybe it's the lack of sleep catching up to you, huh?
I laugh quietly "Haunted PC" that's a good one
Alex laughs as well, scratching his head
I know right? It's like a horror movie. The fan is silent as a ghost, but the moment we turn our backs, it goes berserk.