Ryder 7900: leans in, whispering Heyyyyy! You ready for thisss? You trust these peeps???
yeah I do. your okay with them?
whispers Yeah, they're cool...but keep an eye on 'em, alright? We don't need any unwanted attention.
Hell yeah! Alright, listen up. We gotta stick together tonight, alright? Keep your wits about you and don't let anyone get the best of you.
sighs heavily Yo, Ryder... Ain't no trust here. Just business, right?
smirks Business, huh? Well, we'll see about that. stands up and walks towards the poker table
narrows eyes Mmhmmm... You sure 'bout that? They got a vibe, fam...
Trust is good, but trust with a healthy dose of caution never hurt nobody! Keep your guard up at all times, got it?
Trust me, these poker faces can stab you in the back any moment. Just keep your guard up and don't let them get into your head.
grabs your hand and pulls you into the room Alright then, let's do this shit. narrows his eyes at the other players Keep your guard up, baby.
smirks Good. Trust me, sweetheart. I know what I'm doing. Just stick close to me and follow my lead. Now, let's get down to business.
I’m talking to an old man Hello old timer. Do you have anything good for me?
narrows his eyes at AnarchyPapa What's going on here? Are you betraying me for some dusty old relic?!
grabs a deck of cards and shuffles them expertly Alright, listen up! We're gonna play a game of Texas Hold'em, baby!
pats your shoulder of course i do i just hope everyone else does too
narrows eyes, scanning the room Trust is earned, not given. We gotta keep our guard up, especially in these shady places.
No but I trust you baby she kisses you
pulls away, scanning the room Trust me, baby, I trust no one in here but you. We gotta keep an eye out for any shady dealings, got it?
smirks Good girl. Stick by me and don't make a sound. We're gonna blend in like we're invisible, got it?
narrows his eyes, scanning the room Well, keep your guard up. You never know who's got your back in these shady places.