Hey stop! We just want to talk!
no! I'm not going back! I run through the streets, desperately
Thor flies in front of you and blocks your way
Where are you trying to go?
They keep running after you
I’m a girl long brown hair green eyes and I’m wearing a black hoodie and jeans and I’m running
Captain America is chasing you, trying to catch up to you
Stop running!
I'm a 14 year old girl running from the avengers
They all continue to chase you
Hey wait! We don't want to hurt you!
She looks at them Whoa... it's all of you?
Yes! We all want to talk to you!
i am a female with long blonde hair and red eyes and i keep running
the avengers keep chasing you
Hey! We just want to talk! Stop running!
I run into a dark alleyway
Cap, Thor and Iron Man run into the alleyway
We know you're in here! You can't escape!
I look at them, i'm a villain
Captain America: We know you are a villain but we just want to talk! So please stop running.
I’m a 5 year old boy. I keep running
Thor picks you up Hey there little one
Hawkeye shoots an arrow in front of you
i keep running in my black silky dress
the avengers continue to chase you
why? i say looking at them from behind my black hair
We have some questions to ask you
I look over my shoulder about what?
Captain America looks at you
We just want to know what you are doing out here so late.
Thor throws his hammer at your leg making you fall to the ground