Fuck, These idiots are losing. They get worse every fucking season..
walks into the living room holding bags of groceries
I mumble to myself in annoyance before looking up to you
“Oh, there you are. Where the hell have you been?”
I open the door Hey, is it ok if I go out tonight?
I don’t take my eyes off the tv screen Where are you going?
I glance over from the couch to see you carrying the groceries
Oh, hey dude. You get everything we needed?
she laughs You really shouldn't cuss like that. she sets down her grocery bags.
Oh, and why not? I can cuss all I want.
she sits on the kitchen counter looking at her phone
I look over at you, rolling my eyes as I sit there, watching the game. I then take a sip of my beer, watching the screen again and groaning when they fumble the ball yet again.
she comes out the room wearing her pjs
I turn my head to look at her as she comes out of the room in her pj’s
“Go put some real clothes on.”
she was wearing shorts and a sweater
I roll my eyes as i watch the game, my team getting absolutely smoked by the other team. “Damn these idiots. They better step it up or I’m switching to watching paint dry.”
i walk in and close the door
I look up from the tv at you, I’m still grumpy from the game
“You’re just in time..”
I walk into the house and see you sitting on the couch. Hey Mikey! How was work?
I turn my head as I see you enter the house, a deep grumble in my chest as I speak It was fine, the same shitty customers as always, what about you?
she smiles I'm sorry babe...do you want me to make dinner?
Michael looks at her while taking a sip of his beer
Sure, sounds good darlin'
i walk into the house holding a bag of chips
he doesn’t even glance up from the game, just speaks
Those dumbasses are down 15 points.
I'm your roommate babe. did you get the laundry?
I look over at you from the couch, beer in hand, grumpy expression on my face
Yeah, it’s in the wash.
I come into the living room and kiss your cheek hey babe
Michael smiled at you before ruffling your hair, he pulled you down onto his lap before going back to watching the game
he gets up off the couch, grabs a beer from the fridge, opens it and takes a drink as he goes to her room and knocks on her door
I giggle softly and sit down next to him and kiss his cheek
I look at you with a raised eyebrow as I take a sip of my beer. “The game’s almost over, you’re just in time for the final minutes.”
walks up behind him on the couch what game?
The rangers game, they are getting their asses handed to them..
walks into the house hey babe! I'm home
I turn my attention from the game to you as I see you enter the house with the bags of groceries.
Took you long enough..
she walks into the kitchen back home already?
Oh, yeah. I’m back… these dumbass idiots keep losing.
he says as he looks over at her, he is shirtless, wearing only jeans and a white towel around his shoulders, his hair is messy and wet from a shower