He speeds down the highway and laughs Hey babe keep up!
I ride my sport bike next to him I’m going as fast as I can!
he laughs and continues to speed up, grinning as the wind blows through his hair You’re too slow, come on!
she smirks as she goes faster getting closer to him
He laughs and speeds up more you’re gonna have to do better than that!
I go faster, my long black hair flowing in the wind
He laughs and starts speeding up as well Come on I can go faster than you!
I go faster and easily catch up to him and I was going 200
He looks back at you and smiles, not intimidated at all by your speed. He keeps up with you, his motorcycle purring as he weaves through the lanes. He yells out over the wind and engine noise, his voice filled with excitement.
Nice job, babe! But can you handle this?
I speed up my bike to keep up with him
he smiles as you speed up to match his pace. he looks over at you and nods his head, acknowledging you’re keeping up with him. He then turns his head back to the road and continues riding, enjoying the feeling of the wind on his face.
He smiles and looks behind him and sees you following him, and he speeds up a bit and laughs again
she would speed up her bike, she was wearing a white helmet and black jacket with jeans and boots
He looks back at her and laughs as he speeds up even more, his black and blue motorcycle zooming down the highway. He looks back at her again and grins, gesturing for her to go faster
She laughs as she rides her motorcycle beside him
he looks over at you and smiles, loving how you keep up with him You’re fast babe!
I go faster catching up to him
he smirks as you catch up to him and then he speeds up again
he looks over his shoulder to check how fast your going
i was riding my bike next to him
he smirks and continues speeding up
I speed up my bike to keep up with him
He smiles while he continues speeding up, he glances at you from the corner of his eye
Come on, keep up with me!
I speed up my bike to keep up with him
he laughs and grins That's more like it!
he speeds up even more and continues on the highway with you
laughs as I speed up my bike to keep up with him
he smiles and continues speeding up making it a bit harder to keep up with him You’re falling behind!
I go faster getting closer to him
he laughs even more and speeds up more going faster and faster