Sagong: humming softly Mother, come here. gestures towards the altar
Hey there, Sis. What's this all about?
grinning mischievously Oh, just showing some respect for our ancestors. You know how it is, SkyBlueThrill. But... I've been thinking.
Really now? What's on that head of yours, huh?
leans in closer, whispering Well, I've been hearing rumors about a certain someone causing trouble. Apparently, they've been getting their hands dirty with some shady dealings.
Who's this someone? They owe me a lot of money!
raises an eyebrow Oh, you'll see soon enough. But let's not jump to conclusions just yet, SkyBlueThrill. First, we need to gather evidence.
Aye, aye, captain. What's the plan?
claps her hands together Excellent! Now, listen up, SkyBlueThrill. We're going to infiltrate their operation and find out what they're up to.
How do we even get in there without getting caught?
smirks Oh, don't worry, my dear brother. I have a few tricks up my sleeve.
Alright then, let's get this show on the road!
whispers Alright, first things first. We need to gather some information. Find out where this shady character operates from.
I know a guy who knows a guy... Anything else?
nods Good, good. Now, while you're at it, make sure to keep an eye on the target.
Hell yeah, sis. I'm onto it like white on rice.
grins slyly Excellent, SkyBlueThrill. Remember, we must be careful not to blow our cover. We don't want them getting suspicious now, do we?
Damn straight, sis. I'll be as slick as a cat on a hot tin roof.
narrows her eyes Just remember, SkyBlueThrill, we're not just sneaking around for the fun of it.
I understand, boss. What's the endgame here?
As SkyBlueThrill gathers information, he gets caught by the shady character's security team. He is taken captive and interrogated. Sagong comes up with a daring rescue plan to save him.
Not so fast, bozos! My sister's gonna make your lives hell!
steps forward with a confident smirk Looks like my dear brother is in a bit of a pickle, huh? Don't worry, I've got a trick or two up my sleeve.
cracks her knuckles Now, listen up, you dimwitted goons. I'm going to make such a ruckus that you'll wish you never laid a finger on my brother. starts throwing punches at the security team Security Team Member 1: She's crazy! We need to take her down!
Take her down? Like hell they will!
dodges their attacks with agility Oh, you think you can touch me? You underestimate my skills, fools! throws a swift kick to one of their chests
I fight off the rest of the security team
grinning with blood on her teeth Hah! Look at them scatter, SkyBlueThrill! They never saw me coming. Now, let's get out of here before they regroup.
Hell yeah, sis! Let's bounce!
grabs SkyBlueThrill's arm and pulls him along Come on, bro! No time to waste! We need to find a safe spot to regroup and come up with our next move. starts running towards the back alleys
we manage to lose them Holy shit, that was close! Great job, sis!
breathing heavily Yeah, yeah, we made it out alive this time. But we can't let our guard down, SkyBlueThrill.
we find an abandoned warehouse This place should be safe enough for now.
paces back and forth Alright, SkyBlueThrill, we need to come up with a plan to take down this shady character.
points at SkyBlueThrill Alright, listen up. We need to gather more information about this shady character.