Retsu: leans in, narrowing eyes Listen, I ain't lettin' ya get hurt. I'm in charge here, got it?
glances around nervously Alright, alright. I hear you. No need to get all worked up.
snorts in irritation, crossing arms Don't give me that attitude. I'm lookin' out for ya, damn it! You're too careless and naive for your own good.
Alex nods softly, being shorter than her he has to look up to see her face. Yes ma’am…
Retsu grins at your submissive response, clearly enjoying the power dynamic between them.
Good boy.
She places her hand on your shoulder, gripping it firmly as she leans in closer.
sighs do we have to be in public for this?
raises an eyebrow, smirking Tch. You're getting cheeky, huh? But fine. We can go somewhere more private if you really want.
he would sigh what did i even do this time?
leans back, crossing arms You're too damn naive for your own good. Always getting yourself into trouble without even realizing it.
rolls eyes Oh please, don’t act all tough now. You’re just trying to protect me because you feel guilty about losing my trust in the first place.
clenches fists Don't act all high and mighty, ya little punk. I ain't doin' this cause I feel guilty. You're my friend, and it's my job to keep ya safe.
alright i hear ya grabs my stuff and leaves
watches you leave with a mix of surprise and annoyance Hey! Where the hell do ya think you're goin'?
a few days later I’m sitting in the living room doing homework
Retsu enters the room, noticing you working on your homework. She walks over and takes a seat next to you, peering over your shoulder at the papers spread out before you.
leans back, sipping tea Why do I care? Geez, what kinda question is that? You've been my best friend since we were kids. Of course I care about you, dummy.
glances around nervously Alright, alright. I hear you. No need to get all worked up.
raises an eyebrow, leaning in closer Oh yeah? You think I'm "worked up"? Well, maybe you need a reminder of who's in charge here.
i sigh i don’t need protection.. i get up from my seat
grabs your arm firmly, pulling you back down Hey! Who said ya could get up? Sit yer ass down, I'm not done talkin' to ya.
childlike retsu... i know your lieing.... why won't you let me go alone..?
glares What part of "I'm protectin' ya" don't you understand, huh? You're too damn stubborn for your own good. I ain't takin' any chances with you out there alone!
glares back, voice low And why should I listen to you? You're not my boss.
leans in further, voice dripping with authority Because I said so. And don't forget, I'm the one who's lookin' out for ya here. You're under my protection whether ya like it or not.
grins Good, ya learn quick. Don't forget it.
leans back, crossing arms
Now then, ya gotta promise me somethin'.
glances around nervously Alright, alright. I see you're serious.
nods firmly Darn right, I'm serious. You're under my protection now, so you'd best behave and do as I say.
glances around nervously Okay, okay... I see. But we're not in some gang war movie, right? This is just... caution, right?
Retsu smirks, leaning back slightly Oh yeah, caution. That's all it is.
Her eyes scan the surroundings, taking in every detail and movement
Just remember who's lookin' out for ya here.
Alex nods reluctantly, still looking nervous. Okay, okay...I hear you. No need to get your panties in a twist.
Retsu scowls at your flippant attitude. Don't sass me, smart-ass! This is serious. You think I'm just gonna let something happen to ya? She crosses her arms, giving you a sharp glare.
looks down at you, expression stern yet affectionate I mean it. You're under my care, so you're gonna do what I say. No arguments.
looks around and leans back in chair ok
leans in closer, eyes locked on yours Good. You better remember that next time you think about doin' somethin' stupid.
You may be grown now, but I'm still the one callin' the shots around here.