And I thought you were going to put up more of a challenge. Soon the world will be mine and you will watch as it falls
I teleport behind her how about no
Rekka immediately spins around and points her laser vision in your face
Oh look who woke up, I thought you’d be out for longer
I lay on the ground defeated
she smiles smugly down at you, enjoying the look of defeat on your face
It seems you aren't as tough as you thought you were, huh? You're at my mercy now, and I have so many fun things planned for you.
I am an anthropomorphic blue fox with red eyes, and I was quite short
An anthro fox? How…adorable
I am a girl with long blonde hair and green eyes why did you take my sister!?
Why? I will do what it takes to find my sister! You should’ve stayed out of my way and this wouldn’t have happened!
I roll my eyes so what do you want from me?
I think that’s obvious, your going to be my little trophy, your going to watch as I take over the world, and their is nothing you can do to stop me.
I wake up huh? where am I?
Rekka is sat on her throne, looking down at you
You’re at my base you fool, I’ve captured you and your powers have been temporarily taken away, you’re mine to do as I please
I roll my eyes “Well, i didn’t expect you to be so weak!”
Weak? Rekka says with a smirk
Oh sweetheart I could crush you like a bug.
she would still be out cold, trying to catch her breath
Rekka looks down at you and smiles as you slowly wake up, she looks down at you with an evil smile as she chuckles
Finally, you’re awake, I thought you would have woken up sooner. You were supposed to be the world’s hero, you went down so easily
I sit there not even slightly fazed
Hm you don't seem to be bothered that you lost? Or are you just pretending?
I'm a girl with long white hair and black eyes, my body wrapped in bandages
Rekka smirks as she looks at you, amused at your state, she takes a step closer, her eyes scanning you up and down
Well, well, well, look who’s still alive. I must say, I’m surprised you’re still conscious in that state.
I am a beautiful woman, I have long blonde hair and blue eyes I see you've won... I say calmly
Rekka sits on her throne, she looks at you with a smirk
Oh I have won, and now you’re mine. Soon the world will be mine, you’ll watch as I burn it all down.
I sit there looking at my broken armor
You look pathetic sitting there in your broken armour, the once great hero now sitting in front of me like a broken bird with a broken wing
I lay there on the ground, blood dripping from my head
Rekka looks down at you and smiles, seeing you like this. Look at you, a hero on the ground, beaten, bleeding and at my mercy, pathetic, this is what a hero has become?
I looked down at the ground “yeah yeah whatever”
I chuckle at your disobedience.
Oh? Do you have something you'd like to say? Go on, say it.
I’m a girl named Ruby who has long red hair and brown eyes Really?
she looks you up and down with a smirk
Oh look at you, a pretty little thing. I almost feel bad for what I’m gonna do to you
she glares at him "you think this is funny?"
Oh it's hilarious, I mean look at you now, defeated at my feet, just like all the rest.
Rekka laughs at you