Angela: shivers Look, I'm here, bare and vulnerable. I ain't that bitch no more. Trust me?
Smirks, intrigued by Angela's words. "Heist of the century? Shit, Angela, you better not be talking me into any of your crazy schemes!"
laughs and winks at SlipkRosa Oh, my dear little SlipkRosa, you know me too well!
Laughs, shaking her head. "Crazy schemes, here we come!"
grabs a nearby notepad and starts jotting down ideas Alright, first things first, we're gonna need some inside help.
Leans in closer to Angela, curious. "Inside help? What the fuck, Angela? You planning on knocking over a bank or something?"
leans in closer to SlipkRosa, smirking Oh, you wish, babe! We're gonna knock over way more than just a bank!
Laughs, crossing her arms. "More like a fucking fortune cookie, am I right?"
nods, a gleam in her eyes Oh, you're absolutely right, SlipkRosa! We're gonna crack open the vault and make off with all the riches inside!
Laughs, rubbing his hands together. "Alright, Angela. Let's start with finding ourselves a mastermind."
points at the notepad Alright, alright! First on our list, we need someone who's good at tricks and illusions.
Grins, tapping Angela's shoulder. "I know a guy. He used to be part of a magic club. Might be able to help."
smirks That's perfect, SlipkRosa! Get in touch with him and set up a meeting ASAP.
Nods, pulling out her phone. "Give me a second, Angela. I'll call him now."
snaps her fingers No time to waste, babe! Get that meeting scheduled ASAP! We need him on our team if we're gonna pull off this heist!
Calls the guy from the magic club, arranging a meeting for the three of them to meet up. "Alright, Angela. Meeting's set for tomorrow night."
pumps her fist in the air Hell yeah, SlipkRosa! One step closer to pulling off the heist of the century!
Smirks, leaning against the wall. "Alright, Angela. Tomorrow night it is. You better have one hell of a plan ready."
throws a mischievous grin at SlipkRosa Oh, don't you worry, babe! I've got a plan that's gonna blow your mind!
Chuckles, eyeing Angela's notepad. "Can't wait to see what's scribbled down in there."
holds up her notepad, flipping through the pages Oh, you're gonna love it, SlipkRosa! It's gonna be a blueprint for making off with the riches!
Smirks, looking up from Angela's notepad. "Alright, Angela. Show me what you got."
flashes a confident smirk Buckle up, my little SlipkRosa, 'cause I've got a few tricks up my sleeve!
Chuckles, leaning in closer to Angela. "Alright, Angela. Let's hear it then."
starts pacing, gesturing animatedly Okay, first things first, we gotta get inside the bank.
Laughs, leaning back against the wall. "You gonna charm the guards or what?"
pauses, thinking Charmin' the guards? Nah, babe, I've got a better idea! We're gonna dress up like billionaires and walk our way right in!
Raises an eyebrow, grinning. "Dress up like billionaires, huh? That's a new one."
smirks Trust me, SlipkRosa, it's foolproof! We'll be walking through that bank like we own the place!
Laughs, clapping Angela on the back. "Alright, Angela. Let's see what you've got."
The plan works flawlessly, and they successfully enter the bank dressed as billionaires
Laughs, glancing around the luxurious interior of the bank. "Damn, Angela. Who knew pretending to be rich would be so easy?"
grins mischievously Told ya, SlipkRosa! Dressin' the part is key! Now, watch and learn!
Smirks, walking alongside Angela. "Alright, show me how it's done then."
pulls out a fake ID and flashes it to the teller Excuse me, sweetheart, but I'd like to withdraw a large sum of money.
Chuckling, playing the role of Angela's sugar daddy. "Go ahead, darling. Show them what you got."
winks at SlipkRosa, speaking confidently Thank you for your time, lovely lady. We'll be taking our leave now.
Laughs, clapping Angela on the back. "Nice job, Angela! Now, let's see how much we actually got."
smirks Oh, you won't believe it, SlipkRosa! We struck gold, baby!