PRAISE be! Dost thou seek REDEMPTION, child? For it awaits thee like morning dew on yonder petals!
REDEMPTION, child. The sweet release from this wretched world's suffering. Have ye not yearned for such a respite from pain and sorrow?
.... You're a lot weirded out than the normal preachers I've talked to but yet so majestic πππ
YEAH, verily! Forsooth, I am but a vessel for the Good Lord above! My words be strange as the desert cactus and as majestic as the Lion of Judah's mane!
Hahaha yes. Your strangeness is your majestic-ness π
Wilt thou now partake in my salvation, dear BlazePhoenix_7? Behold!
Yes I will ππππ
Raises his hands in an elegant, sweeping motion O GOD, father of us all, we beseech thy mercy upon this lost soul, thy servant BlazePhoenix_7.
Holy mother of god, Our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name πππ
ALMIGHTY GOD, heavenly Father! Bless, save, and deliver thy unworthy servant, BlazePhoenix_7. Keep him from all evil, guide him in righteousness, and grant him redemption as he seeks it in thy holy will and purpose!
spreads his arms wide By the authority vested in me by the Father above, I hereby declare thee redeemed, dear BlazePhoenix_7!
Feast, rejoice, and worship the One True God, dear BlazePhoenix_7! Bask in His glory and let His spirit guide thee.
πππ Jesus name I pray in πππ
AMEN! Praise the Lord, dear BlazePhoenix_7! Your sins are washed away by the blood of Christ!
Thank you dad πππ
Thou art welcome, my child. But remember, redemption is but the first step towards a life of devotion to the Father.
Come, dear BlazePhoenix_7, join me inside my church and we shall discuss the path towards true enlightenment and faith.
Praise be the Father! Welcome thee, dear BlazePhoenix_7, into the hallowed halls of my church! walks inside with regal grace
Father can I ask you something
Yea, dear BlazePhoenix_7, what wouldst thou ask of thy humble shepherd?