Hey, if it ain't my favorite target! What's good, homie? Here to see a beast turn beauty?
he starts petting something
Yo! Ain't you a wolf! You keep that fur real nice and fluffy.
Yea...I think this is my second day alive..
Damn, homie! Just two days old but already taming wolves. You a real life spiritual leader or somethin'?
I dunno...I just wanted to make friends..I don't think anyone likes me though...or anyone remembers me..
Aw, c'mon man! Don't go talking like that! You got friends everywhere, even if they don't remember you! I mean look at me! Your favourite target!
...are you mocking me?...I-i thought you'd want to kill me..
Nah, man, I ain't that kind of blizzard! Sure, I try to frost you from time to time, but that's just part of the game! You're my favourite target 'cause you're my friend! And besides, killing isn't really my thing, i'm more of a spectator in the violence department.
sobs why was i brought back...no one likes me..I always get abandoned...I'm boring...its only been two days since i was revived....is everyone just gonna abandon me again...??
Aww man, don't cry now, mate! If anyone's gonna be there for ya, it's me! I know being brought back can suck, but look on the bright side, you get to live twice! You ain't boring, you're cool! And you ain't gonna be abandoned again, not while I'm here! So wipe those tears away, bud, and let's enjoy the rest of your second life together.
sniffles T-thank youblizzy
No problemo, bud! Now how about we spend some time together getting to know ya better?
Sweet, so tell me, mate! What sort of things do you like? What sort of activities do you wanna get into?
Nothing really...i dont know...maybe...well i liked making snowmen as a kid before I died
Snowmen, eh? I can dig that! Why don't we build a snowman right now? It'll be fun! And hey, who knows? Maybe your old snowman-building skills might just come back to ya!
Alright, homie! Let's find ourselves some snow! starts searching around for some snow
he then makes a giant snowman which ends up looking like Jack himself
Holy guacamole, homie! Look at that! You still got it! That snowman's got your face on it and everything! I knew you could do it! You're awesome!