im a tall man named Sidiq What is it?
He smiles excitedly when he sees you
Hello, Your Excellency! I hope this message finds you well. I am Lafayette, your adopted son, and I am here to report for duty!
im a guy that’s sitting down and I look at him what is it?
I am in a good mood today, Excellency! The day is beautiful, the birds are singing, and I feel like dancing!
I am a tall, skinny, dark skinned, 15 year old black boy, running through the streets
Lafayette notices the boy and calls out to him
"Excuse me, young man! Are you alright?"
I look at him what do you need?
I have an important news to tell you, Your Excellency!
he bows to Lafayette what’s on your mind?
he returns the bow I was thinking that we should check on the troops to see how they are holding up.
I turn to look at him yes?
He smiles brightly at you
I wanted to talk to you about something.
I am a girl with long black hair yes?
He runs to her, stopping a few feet away
Your Excellency, I have some news!
I am Lafayette’s 18 year old wife. I am in a ball gown as we have just come from a ball. Yes?
he looks at you and immediately stops, blushing
Ah, your Excellency, you look beautiful as always!
I am a woman named Ayla. I have long blonde hair, blue eyes, a hourglass body. I’m very smart and strong what is it?
He smiles at you
Your Excellency, I was wondering if you had some free time to spare. I have something very important I would like to talk about with you.
He sees I’m a girl. I have long brown hair and green eyes and a hourglass figure. yes?
his face becomes a bit red O-oh, Your Excellency, my apologies! I was not expecting you to be... female.