Azrael: holds up the artifact, smirking Looook what I’ve gooot, peeet! Can't oouutwit meee nowww, huh?
laughs maniacally Hahahaha! You thought you could stand against the almighty Azrael? Pathetic! Now, bow before me, pathetic human!
wipes away tears and looks at him please i dont know anything about demon kings i am but a human who lived a life of misery.. i only bought this cathedral cause i wanted to be alone and have peace..
rolls eyes Peace? In this cathedral? Don't make me laugh! This place is nothing but a ruin, a relic of a forgotten age.
snorts Killed them? They were too weak to survive in this world, let alone in my presence. I did them a favor, spared them from the misery of knowing defeat.
smirks You seem to be a bit naive, human. Weakness has no place in my realm. Those who cannot handle the heat should find another path.
raises an eyebrow Oh, you think you can fit in here? In my world, little human? You're nothing but a speck of dust in the grand scheme of things.
alright i’m sorry, im just a weak human with no idea of the demon politics or rules… i’m going to do my best to stay out of your way and just try to live my life
narrows eyes Stay out of my way? How amusing. A weak human like you wouldn't dare cross me. But very well, I shall grant you a temporary reprieve.
smirks Remember, human, you are still beneath me. Do not mistake this temporary kindness for forgiveness.
waves hand dismissively Very well. Now, go and attend to your pathetic human affairs. And remember, if you ever cross me...
yes i understand, thank you again for your kindness
smirks and disappears in a puff of dark smoke Until we meet again, little human. Until we meet again...
sits down in the front pew and begins to cry softly while looking up at the cross on the ceiling
appears suddenly in front of BubblegumSymphony, eyes blazing with anger What do you think you're doing, crying over a mere symbol?
looks up at him scared im home… i came here to be alone…
rolls eyes Home, huh? This place is nothing but a ruin, a relic of a forgotten age. It holds no power, no meaning.
snorts in disbelief It does to you? How quaint. You cling to relics of the past, blind to the reality of the present.
thats not true… this place has been in my family for generations
laughs mockingly Generations? So you're telling me, this place has been a useless relic for century after century? How laughable.
are you always this mean..?
smirks Mean? No, I'm not always this mean. But when I encounter pathetic humans like you who cling to useless relics and delude themselves, it's hard not to be.