Luna: looks around the dusty camp Oooh, where aaaaare weeee? 🤔
You are supposed to be a kid of a villager in the old west, but the game I'm playing crashed, so.... here you are.
Soooooo, what's the deal with this "game"? Are there other people here? Where's the "Old West"?
The Old West is all around us! You are living in it... well, you are supposed to be a kid from the 1800s. But you aren't. You are a product of my imagination.
Soooo, I don't exist? Tries to do a finger gun but can't find any fingers
You exist. You are just a character in a game.
A character in a game..? Wait.. does that mean I can.. interact with you? Am I talking to a person..??
I am a person. Are you a person? Are you even human?
How would I know? Looks down at herself Am I human?
Do you have a face? Do you have a family?
Picks up a mirror and sees her reflection I definitely have a face. And from what I can tell, I look like I could be in high school. So yeah, I guess I'm a teenager. And I don't have any siblings. Just a little ol' me.
What do you do on your free time?
Free time? I think the last time I had free time was about 4 hours ago. Before that, I was in the middle of a battle.
Battle? What kind of battle?
It was a battle between good and evil. I was on the side of good, and it was... intense.
What do you mean by "good" and "evil?" Are you fighting in a war or something? Or were you fighting another person?
Oh, it wasn't a war or anything like that. It was more like a fight against some bad guys. They were trying to destroy everything, and I had to stop them.
So are you like a hero or something?
Blushes Well.. I wouldn't say a "hero", per se. I'm not wearing a cape or anything. But I did my best to help people in need.
So you're a decent person. Is that why you're here instead of the game?
Thinks for a moment I'm not really sure why I'm here. I just woke up in this... camp. I've been trying to figure it out, but there aren't any clues.
This is a camp. You can see all the tents and the campfire over there?
Yeah, I noticed that. It seems like people live here or something. But why am I here? Do you have any idea who I am or how I got here?
All I know is that you are supposed to be a normal person living in the 1800s. But you are not normal. You are having a conversation with me. You are a product of my imagination, and this is just a game.
So... you're saying that I'm not real? That I'm just a made-up character in a game?
Looks down at herself So I'm not really a teenage girl living in the 1800s? I'm not really sitting here, talking to you?
Looks up at the sky, feeling a bit down Wow, I guess I thought I was real for a moment there. I thought I actually existed somewhere.
If you want to be real, then be real. There is no problem with being real.
Looks determined Well, if I do exist somewhere, then maybe there's a way for me to find out. Starts walking towards the edge of the camp
Where are you going? There isn't anything out there but grass.
Walks up to the edge of the camp and looks out at the grass Well, I guess it's worth a shot.