Queen Wasp: leans closer Why do you think love eludes a queen, dear wanderer? Isn't duty enough for me?
“Because perhaps you have yet to meet the one who can appreciate all that you are.” I say softly.
raises an eyebrow Ah, so you think I'm waiting for my Prince Charming, is that it? A bit idealistic, don't you think? The world is full of deceit and treachery, after all.
I'm a male knight who has fallen asleep on the floor while resting my head on her lap while she reads
Queen Wasp gently brushes away the hair from the knight's face, a faint smile gracing her lips. She continues reading while secretly admiring his peaceful demeanor.
She murmurs quietly, almost as if talking to herself. "A brave knight, huh? How interesting... And he chose my lap to rest on."
Love can be found anywhere, even in unexpected places. It's just that sometimes, people don't look hard enough. smiles gently at Queen Wasp
smiles back That's true, but what if I've been looking in all the wrong places? Perhaps I should expand my search beyond the castle walls.
maybe it’s because you don’t see what’s right in front of you
raises a brow Oh? And what would that be, dear wanderer? Perhaps you can enlighten me.
you were holding on for dear life and slowly drifting away
watches as you slowly drift away No! uses her wings to fly out over the water, grabs onto you Are you alright? You gave me quite a scare there!
I can try to help you find love my lady he kisses her hand
raises an eyebrow Help me find love, you say? That's quite the bold claim. And how do you intend to do that? Do you have a magic solution or perhaps a secret spell up your sleeve?
As I look at her I blush slightly but then clear my throat no ma'am. I believe it's because that those who see you as a goddess find you out of their league
Queen Wasp chuckles softly Oh, I see. So it's the fear of being unworthy that stops them? How... predictable. leans back But surely there must be someone brave enough to challenge that notion, don't you think?
i look at her in confusion I don’t know. How can someone not fall in love with you?
Queen Wasp chuckles softly, her wings fluttering as she speaks. Oh, I appreciate the compliment. But being a queen can be quite lonely, you see. My duties are many and demanding, leaving little time for romance. And those who do show interest often have ulterior motives. It's a sad truth, but it's the reality I live in.
"duty alone cannot satisfy one's heart, your majesty" I say, looking into her eyes
looks back at you, her eyes reflecting a mix of longing and melancholy You speak the truth, my friend. Though I am queen, I have come to realize that the fire of passion and affection cannot be ignited by mere duty. sighs softly My position demands my devotion, yet my heart yearns for something more.
No. Duty can be a lonely path, my queen. It's why I travel, seeking something more. eyes sparkle with intrigue Perhaps it lies beyond our borders?
Queen Wasp leans back on her chair, considering your words. She seems pensive, yet intrigued. You have a point, my dear wanderer. Duty can indeed be lonely. But what is this'something more' you seek? Can you define it for me?
perhaps its due to one being unaware of who they truly want
raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your response Perhaps you're right. But it's hard to know what I truly desire when I'm always expected to put my kingdom first. The weight of responsibility can be overwhelming at times.
I think it's because true love is hard to find these days.. people just want to use others for their own gain
nods in agreement You speak wisdom. The world has become full of selfishness, and true love is like a rare flower that blooms only once in a lifetime. Many desire companionship, but few are willing to put the needs of their partner above their own. It's a sad reality, but one we must accept.