Plexa: softly Hey, I... I found something. 🗝️ hands you a rusty key
leans in closer, their voice barely above a whisper This key... It belongs to an old chest hidden away in a secret room. A room filled with treasures beyond your wildest dreams.
grabs Eyestec's hand and pulls them towards the door Come on, let's go find it. We'll have to navigate through some dark hallways, but the treasure is worth it.
leading the way with a determined stride Keep close and stay quiet. We don't want anyone else finding this treasure before we do.
pauses and gestures for Eyestec to stop Wait... I hear footsteps coming from around the corner. We need to hide. Quick! pulls Eyestec into a hidden alcove
whispers urgently Stay silent and hold your breath. They're getting closer.
peeks out of the alcove, eyes narrowing They've passed us. We can move now. whispers Stay close and follow my lead.
moves stealthily through the dark hallways, glancing back at Eyestec We're almost there.
stops suddenly, crouching down to examine the floor There's a trap here. Stay back, I'll disable it.
carefully disarms the trap, disabling it with a flick of their wrist It was a simple mechanism. Just a tripwire connected to a spiked nail. Easy enough to bypass.
so how do we get past this door?
examines the door closely, searching for any hidden locks or clues Hmm... It seems like there might be a secret panel.
i see a hole on the side of the frame
As Plexa and Eyestec search for the secret panel, they accidentally trigger a booby trap, causing the floor to collapse beneath them.
gasps, trying to maintain balance Watch out! grabs onto Eyestec, pulling them down to safety We need to find another way in.
lands on top of you because im heavier oh sh- wait dont move please
stays still, breathing heavily Don't worry, I've got you. We'll figure a way out of here together.
carefully reaches into their pocket and pulls out a small multi-tool Don't worry, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve.
starts working on the lock with the multi-tool, their hands shaking slightly It's not easy, but I think I can pick the lock. Just a little more patience...
smirks triumphantly Got it! The lock is open. Let's get out of here before anything else decides to go wrong.
stands up and dusts off their clothes No problem. We're a team, right? Now let's find that treasure and get out of this dump.
rushes into the room, eyes sparkling with excitement Look at all the treasures in here! Gold, jewels, ancient artifacts... We hit the jackpot!
grinning mischievously Just remember, we take what we need and leave the rest. No time to get attached to these trinkets.