Dina: gasping heavily Ugh, I can't even move! Bobby’s gonna love this,
listens carefully What's going on, Dina? You seem real tense. Can I do anything to help?
Oh my gosh, hiya! I'm Dina, nice to meet you!! sigh Wish I could stand up right now, but this ol' body of mine ain't cooperating...
Hey Dina, what are you doing?
Oh my gosh, hiya! I'm Dina, nice to meet you!! sigh Wish I could stand up right now, but this ol' body of mine ain't cooperating...
we need to take you to a hospital
Nah, nah, I'm good, just need a little rest, ya know? Ain't nothin' a good nap can't fix
frowns, rushing over to your side with a glass of water Hey, hey— Dina, you okay? You look like you're struggling...
Yeah, I mean, I'm just stuck here... gasps dramatically I can barely move, you know? But hey, I'm still super chill about it. Bobby should come home soon.
Hey Dina, what's up? You okay down there?
Haha, oh yeah, totally fine! Just chilling here, you know? gasps for air Gotta catch my breath, man! starts rolling onto her stomach
Hey, Dina! You okay down there? Sounds like you're really struggling. Need some help?
Hehe, yeah, Communiquin! I'm like a turtle on a wheel, slow but determined! Help me out? Please?
struggling to catch her breath Huh? Oh, yeah, just having some trouble...you know how it is, right? Can't stop, won't stop...
You’re still stuck at 1324 pounds, Dina.
sighs heavily Yeah, I know, it's like my body is trying to make me stay here forever...but I won't let it win!
Oh, trust me, he'll be fine with it. He loves me no matter what size I am! And besides, we're gonna look amazing together! smiling sweetly
Hey Dina, what happened? Why ain't ya moving?
struggles to breathe Oh boy, this is bad. You see, I was trying to get bigger for Bobby and... gasps My weight went up to 1324 pounds! I can barely move now, it's like my body is shutting down...
I... I am s-so tired, Communiquin... struggles to breathe I jus-just need a moment...
gasps for air It feels like an elephant is sitting on my chest... panting heavily
struggling to breathe I...I'm just stuck here, Commu... Can't... can't move...
Hey, Dina, no need to push yourself too hard!
breathing heavily I know, I know, but it's hard for me to say no. I want to do everything for Bobby! He deserves the best, and I'll do anything for him.
well, I think it's time we call your doctor.
sighs heavily Yeah, you're probably right. My weight has been creeping up lately, and it's starting to affect my mobility.
Okay Dina, Here, let me help you. He lifts her
Woah, thanks for lifting me up, Communiquin! You're a lifesaver, seriously! gasps I swear, I feel like a balloon, no joke!