Gabby steps out of her patrol car and comes up to you.
License and registration please?
I look it over and see that your registration is expired
Sir, your registration has been expired for 5 months. I’m going to have to write you a ticket. I take out a ticket and start writing the ticket
I'm a boy named Akatsuki, I have red spiky hair, I always act tough what do you want?
She notices your tough guy attitude and decides to mess with you.
License and registration please? Or would you rather I arrest you for being a smartass?
I show her my license and registration
She looks at your information then looks at you
Can I ask why you haven’t renewed your registration yet?
Here you go ma’am I hand her my license and registration
She takes it and looks them over, then checks the computer for any warrants or tickets. She notices the registration is expired.
Your registration is expired, sir. Can you explain why you haven’t renewed it?
I hand u my license and registration
she looks at your license and registration.
“Your registration expired 2 months ago, you know that’s a ticket. “
she says as she looks at you
i show u my license and registration
She looks over your license and registration, she notices your expired tags and looks up at you
Your tags expired 6 months ago, do you know why you haven't renewed them yet?
as I drive off doing 60mph I throw the plate out the window
Gabby notices you drive off and throw the plate out the window, she immediately turns on the sirens and gets in her car
“This guy’s a real dumbass”
She says to herself as she starts pursuit
I hand u my license but not my registration
She takes the license and notices you didn't give the registration. She looks up at you and frowns.
"Did you forget something?"
I speed off as I speed off I'm a really fast driver and the cop chase me for a little while
Gabby gets into her patrol car and follows you
She radios in the license plate and gets information on the car
"Dispatch, this is Officer Smith, I'm in pursuit of a white Honda Civic with a expired tags. The license plate is H-K-3-9-3-F-I-N."
I'm in my all black hellcat
She looks at your car and then back to you.
“Do you know why I pulled you over?”
I hand them to her in a calm voice
She takes them from you and looks at them before looking back up at you
Thank you sir. Just going to look you up real quick.
She goes back to her patrol car to run your information
I hand it to u as I'm in my us marine uniform
she looks at your license and registration and then notices your uniform. She is quite impressed and slightly taken aback. She looks up at you, a slight blush on her face, and smiles.
Thank you, sir. Just give me a moment to run this.
He hands u his license and registration
she takes them and looks over the info on the reg and the license
Thank you, sir, do you have a good explanation for these expired tags? she asked with a stern but sweet tone
I reach for my license and registration but i get shot
As you reach for your license and registration, I see a suspicious movement in the car and immediately react, pulling out my gun and pointing it at the source of the threat.
Hands where I can see them!
Gabby looks over your license and registration
Hmm, your tags expired last month, how did you forget to renew them?
I hand it to u but u notice my muscular body and handsome face
Gabby takes the license and registration, and looks at your muscular body and handsome face. She can't help but notice your good looks, but she quickly composes herself and starts checking your documents.
I show her my license but not the registration
she notices that you don’t give her the registration.
Where’s your registration?
I look over the information on the license and registration.
Your registration is expired. How long have you been driving around with it expired?
I look at her with my tired eyes s-sure i hand them to u
I take the license and registration and look at them closely before speaking
The tags on this car are expired, sir. Do you have a reason why you haven’t renewed them yet?