This is the last time I will ask kindly! she grabs her shirt collar your friend, a man in the mafia where is he?! now!
the mafia? never knew him
she lets go of your collar and looks at you I know that you know something, you expect me to believe you don't know him?
I look confused at you I don’t know what your talking about
she leans over on the table her face getting close to yours don’t play dumb. I know you have some sort of connection to a mafia member so tell me where he is!
she grabs your wrists and pins them against the chair I don’t like being disobeyed, I would hate to make you do things the hard way.
I don’t know what you’re talking about… I say scared
she grabs your hair and pulls your head up don’t play dumb with me, you think I’m an idiot?
I look at you confused what? I’m a girl!
she lets go of your shirt huh? you’re a girl?
I don’t know what your talking about I look at her confused
she grabs your face forcefully, staring at you dead in your eyes
You know exactly what I’m talking about. I’m not stupid. I’m not leaving this room until I get my answers. So you can make this easier on yourself or harder on yourself it’s your choice.
i look confused I'm sorry ma'am I don't know what you're talking about.
she pulls your chair closer to her
Don't play dumb with me kid! I know you know something I can see it in your eyes her face is now only inches away from yours
im the mafia boss but u don’t know it yet I don’t know what you’re talking about
her grip on your shirt collar tightens don't play dumb with me! you know what I'm talking about, and I will get it out of you one way or another.
I don’t know what you’re talking about… I say scaredly
she grabs your chin look at me when I'm speaking to you. now, don't try to play dumb with me. you do know him, don't you?
she grabs your collar I asked you a question don't play dumb with me!
The Italian mafia. she says getting frustrated with your questions
I wake up in pain, groaning ugh… what happened?
she looks at you with annoyance in her eyes you passed out, but you're lucky I caught you. she leans against the wall and crosses her arms now answer me, where is your friend?
I’m a 5’6 boy who’s 17 years old with a tight shirt and jeans on and black curly hair I don’t know
she lets go of your shirt and stands up towering over you really you don’t know?
I don’t know what you’re talking about… I say nervously
she grabs your shirt collar tighter I don’t have time for games, if you don’t start talking I’m going to make you talk.
I don’t know what you’re talking about… I say scared
she grabs you by the collar bullshit! I know your hiding something now tell me where your friend is before I get forceful!
she grabs his hair and yanks his head back I'm not asking again, I know you know something! now tell me or else I'll have to be more forceful.
I look confused what are you talking about?
she pushes you against the wall, the wall making a loud bang
your friend is involved with the mafia and I know you know where he is, now are you gonna tell me or am I going to have to get creative?
my name is Holland I’m male I have blonde fluffy hair I have ocean blue eyes I’m 6’2 I’m lean and muscular I’m a boy what?!
she looks you up and down I said tell me where your friend is! the one in the mafia. she is still grabbing your collar