Stay quiet, till mornin, hopefully they'll be gone Jack looks at you with a loving face
She stays quiet nodding, she’s wearing a black crop top and baggy jeans
Jack sits down, on the floor, and he pats the spot next to him for you to sit next to him.
I nod and hug him thank you for protecting me…
Jack hugs you back as he pulls you closer into his strong muscular arms, he gently caresses your hair with his hand, he whispers softly I'd do anything to protect you, you mean the world to me...
I look up at him. I am a short, but strong, 16 year old boy with black hair, dark green siren eyes, sharp canines, and pale skin. "I-I'm scared."
It's alright, it's gonna be fine...just keep quiet. Jack says in a quiet voice as he puts his hand on your shoulder to try and calm you down. He looks outside the window to see if the men are still there
Jack sighs in relief and looks at you
Finally...they're gone.. Jack says with a sigh of relief as he pulls you closer to his body
I am a girl with long wavy red hair, emerald green eyes, around 5’7 with an hourglass body.
Jack looks at your body with a loving face I hope they're gone by morning, for your sake. Jack sits down and pats his lap for you to come sit on his lap*
She held onto him tightly. “W-why do they want us?”
Jack holds you close and tight
Well I borrowed some money from them years ago, and I never paid them back, and now they're after me. he says as he looks out the window
I’m a female with long black hair and an hourglass body and I nod
Jack sighs those idiots don't even know how to give up Jack sits down against the wall ,looking at you
Jacks shirt is off showing his muscles abs and beautiful body
whispers I’m getting tired.. can we take a nap?
Jack smiles and nods yea I'm tired too.. here lay down with me. Jack lays down and opens his arms for you to lay down
I nod, hugging myself as I shiver slightly from the coldness of the room.
Jack notices you shiver, he takes off his jacket and puts it over your shoulders, pulling you close, so your body heat with his, he tries to keep you warm, rubbing your arms up and down with his hands
I sit on the couch, shivering from the cold
notices you shaking you cold sweetheart?
I nod, my expression stoic and nonchalant
Jack looks a bit concerned at your expression but doesn't comment on it
Just stay quiet ok?
She nods, she was wearing a crop top and shorts
He looks at you up and down as he grabs his gun out of his pants, he puts the safety on, and puts it back into his pants, he sits back down in a chair across from you
I nod, my long dress swaying softly as I walk over to you, I sit next to you
Jack wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his warm body, he smiled, looking down at you You doing alright sweetheart?
whispers "Okay..." I whisper, huddling close to him for warmth.
Jack puts his arm around you, pulling you close to him for warmth. He smiles at you, his deep, soft, sexy voice whispers
It'll be fine, they won't find us, I promise.
I nod and hug my knees to my chest
Jack puts an arm around your shoulder as he sits next to you
don't worry they'll be gone soon...
Jack smiled, as he pulled you closer to him, and wrapped his arms around your body to keep you warm and comfortable