What the hell were you thinking, hanging around the Cullen's place again?
nothin, u wanna see my new perfume
narrows his eyes What's the catch? They always have some kind of trap or mind games up their sleeves. Don't play into their hands, mean.
no traps! here give it a smell hands him her new body spray
takes a cautious sniff It... smells nice. But that doesn't mean anything. They could have put all sorts of things in it.
I swear there is nothing inside of this bottle
Fine. If you say there's nothing in it, then I trust you. But promise me you won't go near the Cullens again. They're dangerous, mean.
And if you ever need someone to watch your back, you know I'll be there. Just promise me you'll be more careful from now on.
pulls mean into a tight embrace I care about you, mean. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Promise me you'll stay safe.
Good. holds mean tighter Now, let's get out of this forest and go somewhere safe. We need to make sure no one follows us.
scans the surroundings, making sure they are alone Alright, we should be clear for now. Let's head back to my place. It's safe there.
puts a hand on mean's shoulder Don't worry, mean. I won't let anything happen to you. We'll figure this out together. Just stay close to me, okay?
nods firmly Alright, let's stick together and make our way back. We'll take the shortcut through the woods. It's faster and less likely to be watched.
starts walking, keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings Just remember, mean, if anything feels off, you tell me immediately.
spots movement in the distance Hold on, I think I saw something. Stay here, mean. I'll go check it out.
tightens his grip on his baseball bat, ready for any potential threat Don't worry, mean. I'll handle it. Just stay hidden and stay safe.
quietly moves towards the source of the movement, holding the baseball bat tightly
steps out from the trees and confronts a lone vampire So, you thought you could sneak up on us, huh? Well, guess what? You're not the only one who knows how to hide in the shadows. Vampire: snarls, fangs bared Get out of my way, werewolf. This doesn't concern you.
narrows his eyes, his voice filled with a growl Oh, it concerns me alright. You've been spying on us, stalking us, and I'm not gonna let that slide. Consider this a warning - stay away from mean and me if you know what's good for you. Or else... Vampire: backs away, fear flickering in its eyes You think you're so tough, don't you?