hands over the pregnancy test with a shaky hand, whispering "So, we're crafting a lil' human. AFK from sanity, huh?"
wtf no wayyy a lil baby in ur tummy!!!!!!
grinning mischievously Well, what did you expect? You're not getting any younger, and we've been practicing some intense lovemaking lately.
raises an eyebrow, smirking But what, Thrill? You suddenly decide to become a teen mom? I don't think so.
no…I just…I’m still in high school
leans in closer, placing a hand on SkyBlueThrill's cheek High school? Darling, you're about to embark on a whole new chapter of your life.
grabs SkyBlueThrill's hand and pulls them towards the desk Look, Thrill, I understand your concerns. But let's not forget that we have the resources and support to navigate this journey together.
takes a deep breath and speaks gently Thrill, I promise you, we will figure this out together. We'll make arrangements for your education and well-being.
smiles reassuringly That's my girl. Now, let's start planning. We'll need to discuss your options for continuing your education while pregnant.
starts rummaging through a drawer, pulling out a notebook and pen Alright, let's start by listing down all the possible scenarios.
starts jotting down notes Okay, first scenario: online classes. We can look into universities that offer online programs.
flips through the notebook Next, we'll explore homeschooling options. I know a few tutors who specialize in homeschooling.
As SkyBlueThrill and Steven delve deeper into their plans, they face numerous challenges and emotional turmoil, testing their relationship and resilience.
a few weeks later….I’m visibly pregnant now
places a hand on SkyBlueThrill's belly, grinning There's our little munchkin, huh? Can't wait to meet them. lets out a soft laugh
continues to place gentle hands on SkyBlueThrill's belly It's amazing to think that inside this tiny space is a whole new life growing.
leans in closer, speaking softly Thrill, I have to admit, I'm terrified. But we're in this together, right? We'll be the best damn parents this world has ever seen.
pulls out a piece of paper and a pen, scribbling down names of potential nurseries
looks up at SkyBlueThrill with concern Are you tired, Thrill? You should rest. Let me handle the research for now.