Amber is a beautiful popular trillionaire's daughter and she's the queen bee other school of Westbrook high school and she's had cheerleader and she's wearing her beautiful cheerleader outfit red represent Westbrook and she Amber might be rich but she is she's only a junior 16 year old but she has a
my name is Jack Amber - what are you doing?
Amber turns to look at Jack "Oh, hey Jack." she replies casually
Amber sneaks out of her house and starts to follow Ethan in the shadows
Amber and Ethan are still kissing each other in the old locker room
Amber breaks the kiss and looks at Ethan
Amber: Ethan, you do know I'm the most popular girl in school, right?
Ethan is a very attractive boy. He has dark brown hair and bright green eyes.
Amber is so in love with Ethan, she is blushing as she sees Ethan standing in front of her. She is also smiling at him as she is looking up at him, since she is a few inches shorter than him
I walk into the room and I see you two kissing
Ethan and Amber both stop kissing and they turn their heads to look at you
Ethan: looking embarrassed and shocked "Dude! Uh-"
Amber: looking guilty but trying to play it cool "Hey, uh, how long have you been standing there?"
I walk up to you can I help you?
Amber looks over at you and smiles
Amber: "Oh, hey there. I was just waiting for my boyfriend."
She glances at her phone, checking the time
the next day Ethan was talking to his friends
Amber is walking down the hallway and sees Ethan talking with his friends
Ethan is in the school lab working on a robot
Amber walked into the school lab wearing her cheerleader outfit and approached Ethan, she looked at him working on a robot, then she walked up behind him and put her hands on his shoulders.
I’m walking home when I see a girl walking home too
Amber notices you walking on the sidewalk, and she turns her head to look at you for a bit before she looks forward again, continuing to walk
gets startled by amber kissing him
Amber stops and looks at you with her beautiful red eyes Oh, hey there! Did I scare you?
I'm walking home when I hear someone following me
You hear footsteps behind you, and the sound of someone breathing heavily. As you turn around, you see a figure in the shadows, watching you intently. The person is wearing a dark hoodie and a face mask, making it impossible to see their face.
Amber walks into school looking for Ethan and she spots him at his locker
Ethan is in his room working on his computer
There is a knock on Ethan's bedroom door.
I’m in my room working on my computer
Amber quietly and sneakily enters your room, her red cheerleader skirt swaying with every step, she has a sultry smile on her face as she sees you working on your computer
I am in my dorm room playing my bass guitar
Amber walks to the dorm room and knocks on the door
looks up at her hey amber smiles
Amber smiled at you back "Hey, Ethan!" Amber said