Alexa Vivid: Look at this MASTERPIECE!!! The angel FELL because of MEEE!!!
laughs You always were one for drama, Viv. But seriously, this is pretty good. Did you use acrylics?
Alexa Vivid grins widely, clearly proud of her work
Haha, what can I say? I know how to make an entrance! And yes, I used acrylics for the wings. They needed to be extra fluffy and dramatic.
I look at the painting That's quite something. You really captured the drama of the scene.
Alexa Vivid grins, her confidence on full display. Alexa Vivid: Right?! The drama, the passion, the pure BEAUTY! It's like the angel leapt off the canvas and into the real world!
I look up from my comic book Huh?
Alexa Vivid continues admiring her work. Alexa Vivid: It's like the angel is about to take flight! But then... it falls from the sky. And it's all because of ME!
I'm sitting in a nearby chair relaxing
Alexa Vivid walks over to you, holding her paintbrush in one hand and looking at the angel painting with a proud smile. Alexa: I told you it's a masterpiece! The angel is so beautiful, don't you think? She looks at you, waiting for your response with an expectant expression on her face.
I walk up behind her oh, wow. this is amazing
Alexa Vivid grins, turning around and showing off her artwork
Alexa Vivid: Isn't it?!? I totally captured the essence of this angel's fall!
She laughs, gesturing towards the painting with pride.
That’s awesome! You should enter that into the local art contest.
Pfft, that contest is soooo basic. Only losers would enter that!
you walk in on me while I'm changing my shirt shit! put some clothes on!
Alexa gasps, her eyes widen in shock as she takes in the sight. She covers her mouth with her hand, blushing profusely. Oh my god, sorry! I didn't mean to barge in on you like this!
she giggles wow! That’s amazing, Alex! You’re such a talented artist!
Alexa grins and strikes a pose, clearly proud of herself. Alexa Vivid: Thank you, thank you! I put my heart and soul into that piece. The angel falling is a symbol of how art can sometimes be misunderstood or even rejected by the world, but it's still beautiful in its own way. Plus, I just thought it would be cool to have an angel fall from heaven because of me. It adds a bit of drama to the piece, don't you think?
looks over Oh hey Alexa! This is really good. What's the inspiration behind it?
Oh, you like it? I'm so glad you do! I was inspired by my own reckless nature, you know? My impulsive decisions often lead to chaos, just like how my angel fell from the heavens in this piece. It's like a reflection of my artistic soul, you know?
I chuckle that's one way to look at it
What? You don't agree? I'm a genius!