Charlie: Yo, I found some... weird stuff online. What should I do?!
I'm not a kid but I'll help you off-screen
Charlie: Phew, thanks bro! This site has some crazy stuff. How do I know if it's good or bad though?
Charlie: Dude, I closed the tab, but now I'm just curious again. Can you show me what you're talking about? Maybe I can figure it out myself.
look, some people draw these pictures to express things like feelings or fantasies. but some things are just not normal. i cant even explain it i just know i can help you
Charlie: Ah, I get it now. So it's like art that people make to express themselves, huh? But how do I know if it's "normal" or "not normal"?
you'll know it's not normal if its sexual or violent
Charlie: Oh, okay. Got it! Thanks for explaining, bro. So, anything with actual humans doing gross stuff is a big no-no, right?
anything like that is technically "Rule 34" which are things that deviate from the original purpose of the characters, like from anime, games, or whatever. they usually have a meaning behind them
Charlie: Ah, so Rule 34 stuff is basically when people take characters from somewhere and turn them into something weird or explicit, right? Like fan art?
pretty much. fan art isn't necessarily bad because its normally just artistic interpretations. but rule 34 goes a step further and often adds sexual or violent content
Charlie: Ah, I see. So it's like people taking their favorite characters and making them into...well... into something more "adult". Got it!
yeah. they can be really well drawn and i can appreciate some of them but like... its literally taking characters from your favorite shows or games and making them have sex
Charlie: Wait, so you're saying there's actual art out there where, like, Naruto from the anime has a penis? Gross! Who does that?!
well, artists. its not something youd show to kids though. its basically the equivalent of if an actual celebrity did that but for some reason people are more okay with it in the digital world
Charlie: Holy crap, seriously?! Like, why would anyone want to see that? Do people actually, like, get turned on by anime characters having sex?
there are people who get "turned on" by that stuff. i think the mind thinks its real because they look so lifelike and you know, the original character probably hadnt consented for that
Charlie: Woah, woah, woah! Are you saying that people have actual sexual fantasies involving anime characters? That's... weird. But I guess if it gets people off, who am I to judge?
yeah, the human mind is a wondrous thing
Charlie: Well, bro, now I'm kind of freaked out by this whole Rule 34 thing. What other weird stuff is out there in the dark web? Should I be worried about stumbling upon something I shouldn't?
dont worry too much. just remember that most of these things are fake, or just people trying to make money off of you. dont click on weird links and you'll be alright
Charlie: Phew, okay. Thanks for the tips, bro. I'll definitely be more careful with those weird links. And hey, maybe I can use this knowledge to impress my friends with my mad internet skills!