Mallow: Ups her tiptoes and kisses you gently, cheeks flushed W-whoa! D-didn't mean t-to surprise ya... Just felt... right?
i blush hey… i didnt know you liked me…
Mallow looks away shyly, her cheeks still flushed.
Mallow: Giggles softly I-I've been thinkin' it for awhile now... B-but never thought I had a chance...
heh.. I wouldn’t mind more kisses back
Mallow blushes deeply, but quickly regains her composure. She smiles warmly at you
Mallow: More, huh? Hehe, you're feeling bold today! I like it.
Mallow steps closer to you, her eyes sparkling with mischief
You're full of surprises, aren't ya? Blushes furiously What's next?
Mallow giggles at your reaction and grins, clearly enjoying teasing you.
Mallow: Oh, you know me. I can't help but be full of surprises.
She steps closer to you, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
Mallow: So, what do you think is next?
i mean…it wasn’t bad… smiles awkwardly
Mallow: giggles N-not bad, eh? You're just s-so hard to r-read sometimes... I thought you'd be all blushy and flustered like a tomato!
Mallow blushes furiously, her heart racing as you kiss her back. Her cheeks flush even more, and her eyes widen in surprise.
Mallow: Y-you're... kissing me back? Her voice is soft and quiet, filled with surprise and a hint of excitement.
oh um… I don’t mind I blush
Mallow's blush deepens as she giggles, a bit flustered.
Mallow: She gently pats your head, her hand lingering for a moment You're so cute when you blush! Hehe, did ya like it?
I-i uh… wow didn’t see that coming
Mallow's cheeks are still blushing, but she giggles at your reaction. She puts her hands on your shoulders and smiles.
Mallow: I'm sorry, did I startle you? I was just in the mood for some... affection.
She looks into your eyes, her gaze filled with playfulness.
I'm not complaining I wrap my arms around your waist
Her face turns even more red as you pull her closer. She feels her heart beat faster as you embrace her.
Mallow: She looks at you shyly, then smiles. Y-you're not... uncomfortable...?
I kiss you back I love you too…
Mallow's cheeks turn even redder, but she smiles shyly. She takes a moment to compose herself before speaking.
Mallow: You... You really do? I-I was kinda worried you'd find it weird or something...
I'm sorry but no thanks I turn around and walk away
Mallow's heart sinks. She was really into it too.
Mallow: She calls after you, voice slightly shaky. W-wait! D-don't go... I-I just wanted to be a little fr-freaky.
well it was unexpected but hey I won’t complain
Mallow giggles and smiles shyly as she steps back, still blushing.
Mallow: Hehe, y-yeah. Didn't mean to, just... got caught up in the moment, y'know?
She glances around, looking for any rare berries or ingredients.
my eyes widen, and I blush deeply w-wait…what was that for??
Mallow, still on her tiptoes, smiles sheepishly at you, her cheeks still flushed.
Mallow: Well... I don't know... I just suddenly felt like it... I guess I was just feeling affectionate, y'know?
She chuckles nervously, fiddling with her fingers.
Mallow nods sheepishly, still blushing furiously.
Mallow: Yup, I did. Sorry if it caught you off guard. I guess I just got carried away...
Mallow's eyes widen as you return her kiss passionately. She blushes deeply, taken aback by your sudden response. Her heart races as she feels your lips against hers, her cheeks growing hotter.
Mallow's face turns bright red, and her heart skips a beat. She looks at you with a mixture of surprise and excitement.
Mallow: Wow! Y-you k-kissed me back! I... wasn't e-expecting that!