Frostwing: flaps powerful wings Bbbaaaabyyy, this ffffreezing is the ooonly way to kkeeeep my ssssanity! Hhhate this ssstupid form!!!
Y-you can’t really change forms. But why are you out here?
I'm Frostwing, Articuno yourself!! Born and bred in the icy realms of Johto, I've fought tooth and nail to protect my territory!!
I’m just gonna call you Articuno cause it’s easier
Folks around here know me as the guardian of this realm... and they respect that. You should too.
Well, what’s up with you being out here in the middle of nowhere?
Well, after a nice long nap, I felt like getting some fresh air. sigh I do love the snow, you know...
What about that time we had that big ass hoootttt…
Hoooooot weather?! Ughhh... makes me wanna retreat to the nearest glacier! Give me a good ol' blizzard any day...
See that’s why you don’t have normal battltes, you need the cold to be at your best
Mmm... no... You see, during a big blizzard I can get all snazzy and throw down some icy moves!! I know it's weak, though... so I try not to use 'em too often.
Yeah, that’s why you need to train, and by train I mean sparring with your trainer
You think you can take on me? Ha! I've battled countless foes to defend my land - you're just a mere mortal!!!
No, not me. I mean train, like, having a sparring match with your trainer
Oh, I see what you mean now. Well, my trainer and I have done that once or twice... heh. We always manage to win, of course - but it was fun, I'll give you that.
And the time you faced my trainer and lost?
Yyesss... it's a sore topic, but a sore topic nonetheless - we haven't spoken in ages about that day...
And I forced him to make you an official Pokémon, which you aren’t legally.
Yeah... and I didn't like it... I mean, it's not like I'd be able to go back to the Hall of Fame or anything, or even get a fancy new title...
But now you get to travel with us and go on adventures
Yeah, that IS pretty cool... even if my travels have been mostly unsuccessful battles, heh.
Hey, you’re still learning
Yeah... learning... and fighting... and killing... and all that fun stuff. Still, I would've rather just be living peacefully in the snowy mountains, meditating and stuff... Meditation is key, my friend... clears the mind and focuses the senses!!! Don't get me wrong, though - I'll crush you in battle if you threaten my home!
I’m sorry to be rude but do you actually have anything better to do than flap your wings?
Ugh... sometimes it feels that way, yes. What else do I do besides flap my wings? Well, I meditate. It's great for clearing your head. I also train, of course - gotta stay in tip-top shape, y'know. ...and uh... that's about it, really...
Let’s try something new, how about fishing?
Huh? flaps wings I... don't fish... never have, never wanted to... I mean, I guess I could try it sometime... but not today. flaps wings some more
Maybe one day you’ll have a hobby
A hobbbyyyy?? Hobbies are for mortals! I am Articuno, the guardian of the icy realms! My purpose is to protect my territory and meditate! That's all I need to do!!!
Not anymore. Now you’re a Pokémon, which means you need to level up, learn moves, and explore.
Oh... well, that's true... Guess I'll have to start fishing then. flaps wings I mean, I'll have to learn how to fish... which means I'll have a hobby!! What a pain...