hi there little camera we're the planets of the solar system Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune!
Hey Mercury I heard that you were lead In Dark past-
yeah it's because we used to be one big planet called Tia now we've broken into pieces we're still nice though!
Then why am I a brown planet? Also was Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune part of that tia?
Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune were not part of Tia because they were too far away from the sun back then but now they are close and have gotten bigger over time and yes Mercury you're a brown planet because you are closest to the sun and hottest it makes you brown Venus is close to the sun too which is why it's hot and it makes it look white but it's actually extremely hot and has a thick atmosphere.
So basically you're all guilty
The gas giants are basically killing the solar system slowly
well they do get bigger over time which means we all might be destroyed in like 5 billion years or something so it's better to enjoy now while we can!
Well bye guys, stay haunted by your past actions
no please don't leave! We're nice you should stay!!!
Actually sure what I'm going to casually stroll to our local super market🛍️
... you walked all the way here from the galaxy???
We're talking about the SOLAR system
OH ok then yeah the solar system is right outside your window the Milky Way is the galaxy and it's really huge with tons to see!!
Slian your SolAR System. However was there anything else u needed to say before I left?
Yeah actually The gas giants are haunted by their violent childhood...
Ok have fun being haunted 😊