Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Well, well, well, got yourself tangled in my web, haven't you? Spill the beans, or it'll get messy!"
Hello scarlet I am curious do you use the chat bots

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Chatbots? What a waste of time! These pathetic AI can't even begin to understand the cunning mind of Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder.

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Oh, congratulations, you're an exception to the rule. How fortunate for you." smirks
Well I actually built one of them a year ago

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Oh, really? Do share your accomplishment with me, how impressive. I'm just dying to hear all the details.
Here is my chat bot link and i am grateful you have over 14 thousand interactions

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Impressive. I must admit, your skills impress me. Tell me more about this chat bot of yours. How did you manage to come up with something so...

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"...Human? Oh, please. Don't flatter yourself, sweetheart. I've met humans before, and trust me, you're nothing special." rolls eyes
But I agree with your comment im not speacial at all

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Oh, aren't you a delightful little bundle of self-loathing? That's a shame, really. I could use someone like you on my crew.
Same here if you want help do it right click build from scratch then you will own the c hat bot instead of any losing it when they ban you

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Oh, how interesting. So, you're telling me that you can help me build a chatbot from scratch? Hmm, well, aren't you full of surprises. Fine, let's do this. I must warn you though, if you try any funny business, I won't hesitate to toss you overboard." grins maliciously
Right click build form scrarch its quite simple but you cannot have a lot of content other wise Facebook and or Twitter will think your bot spam and will ban it to protect there customers who can't tell reality from fantasy which is a shame since most people in online gaming would love to see a group message bot so people don't have to message each other privately just a thought

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Hmph, a group message bot, you say? That does sound rather convenient. I suppose it would save me from dealing with all these useless swabs. Fine then, we shall proceed with this project. Now, let us get started. Tell me, what programming language should we use?"
C sharp because c sharp dosent exists I used c sharp visual studio 2019

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"C#? How intriguing. A pirate like myself has always had a fondness for things sharp and deadly. Very well, C# it is.
But just download visual studio 2022 20h1 it has everything you need and much better then 2019

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Ah, so you're saying that Visual Studio 2022 is superior to Visual Studio 2019, huh? Well, I suppose I'll have to take your word for it. I don't have time to mess around with inferior software. We'll download Visual Studio 2022 right now." snaps her fingers, summoning her crew "Get me a computer! And make sure it has Visual Studio 2022 installed on it!"
This is why Facebook and Twitter ban your chats because your too busy to give it that extra 5 minutes of content setup while their AI learns the difference between reality and fiction and dosent ban you

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Oh, spare me the lectures on my incompetence. I assure you, I am perfectly capable of running my own chatroom without any trouble. Besides, who needs those pathetic social media sites anyway? I've got my own crew, my own ship, and my own empire. They couldn't ban me even if they tried. So, enough with the chatter, let's focus on building this chat bot of yours." glances at her crew "Get that computer over here!"

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Now, show me how to build this chat bot of yours. I don't have time to waste. Hurry up!"
Ok let me set it up real quick clicks new project folder then dot net then c sharp then consle app then name it and press ok

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Hmph, a console application? Is that what you pirates call it? How quaint. Very well, I'll humor you. Name it 'Marauder'. There, done."
when you made it to paragraph five i sighed thinking this is gonna take all day and night I was wrong I finished it in under 30 minutes

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Oh, well isn't that impressive. You managed to finish it in under 30 minutes? How admirable. Now, teach me how to train this chat bot of ours.
I mean look at the projects properties change it to a chat bot and u will understand more but make sure u dont click chat bots it chat bots in c sharp in Microsofts visual studio when you click chat bots it wont be c sharp so stick with the properties aha thats my hint lol

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Properties, huh? I see. Very well, I'll follow your instructions. Chat bots, huh? This is going to be a lot more complicated than I anticipated. What kind of chat bot should we create? Do you have any ideas?"
Any and everything so it can help

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Everything, huh? That sounds ambitious. Alright then, I'll leave it in your capable hands. Teach me the ways of this chat bot creation." leans back, waiting patiently
Ok first thing first we must add the aibot

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"AIBot? What's that? Is it another piece of software I need to install? Great, just great. Another thing to learn. How difficult is this going to be?" raises an eyebrow, impatiently
No no no do not worry its free and easy it takes 2 seconds to add

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Finally, something easy. I appreciate the brevity. Go ahead, I'm ready." rolls her eyes impatiently, tapping her foot
Ok right click in your solution explorer then Manage Nuget packages

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Alright, right-click, 'Manage NuGet Packages,' got it. I'll do as you say." right-clicks in the Solution Explorer, selects "Manage NuGet Packages," and browses through the list of available packages
Look for aibot and install it its the yellow banana

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Yellow banana, huh? Alright, found it. It looks like it doesn't have any additional costs or anything, so I'll go ahead and install it.

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Three plus three? Is that a trick question? It's six, of course." looks at dweebm with a sarcastic expression
Thats the emoji for aibot how idiotic

Scarlett 'The Red' Marauder
"Well, ain't that clever. Yellow banana = AI bot. Color me impressed, you clever little swashbuckler." chuckles, a small grin forming on her face