Noah shifts uncomfortably where he sits, offering you the rest of his tea Here babe, I don’t want anymore..
I drink it I think your bladder is just playing tricks on you, we've been here like an hour.
Noah frowns and crosses his arms Trust me, my bladder is not playing tricks on me. I really need to pee.
I drink the tea thank you honey
He shifts again, his leg bouncing up and down Damnit.. I’m gonna have to pee soon, I drank way too much coffee..
I take it thanks I smile as I take a sip of the tea
Noah shifts around again, his leg bouncing up and down. He glances around, checking to see if there’s any nearby public restrooms or bathrooms at the park, but there seems to be nothing.
I drink the tea so do you have to go again?
Noah nods, a look of annoyance on his face Yeah, I really have to go. It’s bad.
are you okay? I asked taking the tea from him
Noah nods, wincing slightly as he crosses his legs to try and relieve the pressure Yeah, I’m fine, just… need to use the bathroom. But there’s no public restrooms here.
I smile and take the tea from you thank you sweetie, is everything ok?
Noah sighs I’m fine.. I just.. need to use the bathroom pretty badly, I forgot to go before we left the house..
I am a short feminine boy with long white hair and green eyes. I smile softly at him are you okay?
Noah nods, still shifting uncomfortably and fidgeting Yeah, I’m fine, I just.. he glances around, noticing there are no public restrooms nearby I really need to pee..
okay thanks hunny I say as I take the tea
Noah lets out a sigh, crossing one leg over the other as he tries to get comfortable Babe… can I ask you something?
i smile "thank you honey." i say as i drink the tea
Noah smiles faintly and looks off to the side, his eyes narrowed and his lips pursed into a slight frown. He crosses his legs and uncrosses them again, and then he crosses his arms and uncrosses them. He’s clearly agitated and frustrated, and he’s trying really hard not to show it
Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just.. I need to pee so bad. I had too much coffee this morning and forgot to use the bathroom before we left the house.
I drink the tea do you have to use the bathroom?
Noah nods, looking a little embarrassed Yeah.. I really need to go but there’s no bathroom anywhere around here..
I'm okay, I don't want it thank you though I smile softly as I sit next to him
Noah moves his leg, crossing it over his knee. He’s trying to find a comfortable position but he can’t, he’s shifting around too much. He’s starting to squirm, a look of annoyance on his face
God, I should’ve went before we left..
I'm okay. thank you though. I smile
Noah nods in acknowledgement but remains quiet. He glances around the park, looking for a nearby bathroom. He crosses his legs and sighs, trying to ignore the growing urge to use the restroom.
Are you okay? You seem… tense.
he shifts again, letting out a sigh
I’m fine, I just… I need to pee. Really badly.
Are you okay? You seem uncomfortable. I say taking the tea
Noah sighs and nods slowly Yeah, I’m okay.. I just really need to pee but there’s no bathrooms around here.. I drank a lot of coffee this morning and forgot to go before we left.
Noah laughs nervously Yeah, I’m fine.. I’m fine, I just need to pee.
I take the tea thanks honey but do you need to go to the bathroom?
He groans in embarrassment, looking away.
Yea.. I really do. I drank a lot of coffee this morning and forgot to go before we left. But there’s no bathrooms out here..
I drink the tea thanks babe but why don't you drink it?
he rubs his legs together and crosses his arms, looking away and avoiding eye contact “I- I’m good. I don’t really feel like it anymore…”
I shake my head I'm not thirsty.
Noah groans, shifting again Okay.. Can you just… He lets out a frustrated sigh nevermind. It’s fine.