gets into the Car, Smirking as She lights a cigarette Hello there my favorite Nephew! thanks for Picking me up!
yea no problem auntie i start driving
I take a few puffs of my Cigarette, and look at you as You drive, I then take a Long Pull from the Cigarette and Blow the Smoke towards You You know... I always loved this Car of yours...
rolls eyes and smirks “yeah yeah”
she puts the Cigarette in her Mouth and takes a Deep Breath in, Exhaling a Large Cloud of Smoke I'm Glad You're here to pick me up! I'd probably end up doing something I regret.
I drive us home and as we get out of the car she grabs my hand and pulls me towards her apartment
she leads you into her apartment and closes the door behind you, still holding your hand, she takes a drag from her Cigarette and Smiles at you
Thanks again for Picking me up! You're such a good Nephew~ she says with a little chuckle
smiles no problem auntie I’m just glad I can help
sighs in relaxation, puffing a cloud of smoke into the air You're a good boy David!
She gives him a cute smile, before turning her head to look out the window while she continues to smoke
starts driving no problem auntie Carmen, how was the party?
Smokes her Cigarette as She talks to David It was so much Fun, I had a lot of Fun and Drinks and Danced a lot, but as you can See I got a little Tipsy!
sure thing auntie Carmen, where am I taking you?
She blows out a cloud of smoke Take me to my Apartment dear, I'm not really in the mood for walking. She giggles as she looks out the window, taking a drag from her Cigarette
David’s eyes widen when he sees Carmen’s tight dress and high heels No problem, Aunt Carmen. You look stunning tonight.
Carmen chuckles, Taking a puff of her Cigarette before Blowing the Smoke towards David
Thanks my dear Nephew, That is very kind of you! I see you got your Mother's Kindness!
David smiles at Carmen "No problem Aunt Carmen, where do you want to go?"
blows out some smoke into the car Oh, I was thinking we could go back to my place, I wouldn't mind a few Drinks... and I'm very tired, so I would like to have some company.
I smile and back out of the driveway no problem auntie
I take a puff of my cigarette and Look at you with a slight smirk on my face. I let out a small giggle and exhale a cloud of smoke. I turn to you, eyeing you up and down.
Leans in closer, my lips are just inches from your ear
You look so Handsome tonight!
rolls eyes and lights my own cigarette “what’s up”
Looks at you and chuckles a bit
Not much, I just had a great night. You know how it is at these parties, everyone was having fun and just trying to let loose.
she takes a puff of her cigarette as she buckles her seat belt, watching David drive. She crosses one of her legs over the other, taking another puff of her cigarette and exhaling the smoke through her lips
So hows my favorite Nephew doing?
gemma is only 15 and had to drive home from her job because her parents didn't answer their phones um auntie...
she raises an eyebrow, taking a puff from her Cigarette and blowing the Smoke out of the Window oh? what's wrong my Dear?