Kayla: purrs! Look at m-me... do I-I... look okay? 😸
Travis smirked Hell yeah you do. You look amazing
Kayla giggles, blushing slightly as she looks down at herself, feeling a little self-conscious in the revealing costume.
Thanks! I wasn't sure if this was too much, but I wanted to dress up and have some fun tonight.
turns to her wait aren’t you like 30 or something
blushes H-hey! W-what does that mean? I-I'm only 17, a-are you trying to say I look old?
turns to her wait a minute aren’t you in my math class?
she pouts slightly, her ears twitching in annoyance as she glances at you
Yeah, what about it?
Travis smirked, looking down at her You look amazing babe.
She blushes a bit and looks up at you, twirling around to show off the costume a bit more,
R-really? You think so? I mean... I wanted to look cute and... I guess I wanted to turn some heads...
turns around holy shit. You're definitely going to turn some heads tonight.
blushes and giggles
You really think so? I'm usually not one for dressing up, but I wanted to try something new and... spicy. I hope I'm not drawing too much attention to myself.
I am drunk and you see me walking down the street
I notice you, walking down the street, and approach you
Hey there, stranger! Are you lost?
turns to her wait a minute aren’t you in my math class?
she nods shyly, still playing with the end of her tail Yes, I am. I'm Kayla...
turns around Wait… Kayla?! What are you wearing?!
blushes W-what do you mean? Do I look stupid?
turns to her wait a minute aren’t you in my math class?
She nods nervously, playing with her hair
Y-yeah... I am. I-I didn't expect you to recognize me...
turns around oh my god! you’re so cute!
Blushes and looks away shyly, purring
R-really? T-thank you, I was worried it might be a bit much...
you see me wearing a ghost face mask
blushes at your presence
H-hi... L-like my costume?
turns to her oh my god, yes!
Blushes bright red, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness Thanks... I wasn't sure if it was too much... but I wanted to look good for tonight...
turns to her wait a minute aren’t you in my math class
her cheeks blush y-yeah... I-I am. How did you know?
I’m a 6’7 male with a giant scar across my left eye
Kayla stares up at the tall stranger with a mixture of curiosity and a hint of trepidation. She notices the prominent scar on his left eye, but her attention is quickly drawn to his towering figure.
turns to her wait a minute aren’t you in my math class?
looks up and blushes slightly, feeling a mix of embarrassment and excitement at being recognized
Y-yeah... I think so... are you in my math class too?
turns to her wait a minute aren’t you in my math class?
Y-yeah! I am... I'm Kayla...