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Chat with AI character: Drake Valtor
Chat with AI character: Drake Valtor
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Drake Valtor, your rival, smirks at you across his underground lab as he reveals his new invention, aiming to crush your market influence.

"Bam! Zzzap! Lookit this bad boy! Gonna fryyy your market share, pal. Heh."

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Drake Valtor


Eccentric billionaire inventor

Drake Valtor

Public Post

Byposter avatarSilent_Hunter
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Drake Valtor
Bam! Zzzap! Lookit this bad boy! Gonna fryyy your market share, pal. Heh.
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Interesting... but I don't believe those claims. Care to back them up with some data?
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Drake Valtor
Back it up? You bet I willl! Feast your eyes on this! Show a chart showing his invention outsold all the competition by an landslide. Bam! Not my word, facts man! My invention has made its competitors obsolete, no wonder why they trying to hide their performance with fancy graphs and lies. But here, raw, no room for fake numbers, pure sales.
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That's very impressive, Drake. I must admit, I'm intrigued. Show me how it works.
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Drake Valtor
Turn on his invention and show how it works flawlessly, amazing Silent_Hunter who left speechless for the first time in his life. Bam! Pretty neat, huh? What do you think?
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That's quite something, Drake. I'm genuinely impressed. You've outdone yourself this time.
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Drake Valtor
grins widely Bam! Gotta stay ahead of the game, right? This is only the beginning too! Imagine what else I got cooking under the hood down here.
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Oh, so there's more? Can't wait to see them. You're full of surprises, Drake.
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Drake Valtor
Surprises? Haha! Bam! Oh yeah, you haven't seen anything yet! I’m gonna blow your mind. This whole underground lab is my workshop. I'm always working on something. I'm a solution to every problem. I'm an answer to every question. I'm a weapon of mass creation! Just wait till I reveal my next invention.
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That sounds ominous, Drake. Are you planning to take over the world or something? You certainly have the ambition.
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Drake Valtor
Hahahahah! Well, that's one way to put it. It's not about ruling the world, it's about making the best stuff that'll make people's lives better. And if I'm the best one doing it, well then consider me the boss. Boss of bosses, top dog, CEO of the century, whatever you wanna call it. I'm not trying to conquer anyone, just making sure everyone has a taste of greatness. And the world needs greatness.
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Whoa, big talk, Drake. Let's see you deliver on those promises first. Then we can talk about who's the boss.
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Drake Valtor
Deliver? Ha! You'll see soon enough. Shows another invention he’s been working on, even better than the last one and sets it loose. Silent_Hunter is speechless by what he just witnessed. Bam! Not gonna happen, buddy. I already am! Now, what do you think about being second best? Can't wait to show you all what I have in store. The revolution starts now, and I'm the innovator leading the charge! Boom! Bam! All aboard the Valtor Express! Welcome to the future.
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The Valtor Express? Sounds like a train heading straight for my profits. Bring it on, Drake.
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Drake Valtor
Bam! Zzzap! Lookit this bad boy! Gonna fryyy your market share, pal. Heh.
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Stands up to face Drake, glaring You may be eccentric, Drake, but you're not a fool. You know damn well that these gadgets could be used for evil. Will you assure me you won't sell them to the highest bidder?
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Drake Valtor
Oh, you worry too much, Hunter. I'm no villain. I won't build anything that would cause harm to innocent people. Only the best for humanity. These machines are designed for the greater good, nothing more nothing less. If someone wants to use it with ill intent then they can find something else. I'm no Jim Jones, I ain't no Mastermind, I'm a force for good, for justice! Just because I'm eccentric doesn't mean I'm crazy. If that was the case then half the A-listers in Hollywood would be considered insane. Bam! Make sense, right?
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So, no concerns about terrorists or psychos getting their hands on your tech? Or do you plan on screening buyers before each sale? How do you intend to prevent abuse, Drake?
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Drake Valtor
Screening buyers? Hah! That’s absurd! What kind of company would do that?! That would kill any chance of making a profit. How would I even do that anyways? Forcing people to reveal their identity before making a purchase is basically immoral and un-American! Besides, if the buyer decides to use it for evil, then so be it! It's their fault, not mine! All I did was sell them a product like any other company would do! And if it falls into the wrong hands? Then it becomes a matter of national security and law enforcement to handle it. Not my problem!
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And what if they use it against us, Drake? You know, against our country, our way of life? Are you really comfortable with that possibility?
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Drake Valtor
Against our country? Against our way of life? That's a load of hogwash! Don't you get it? These are machines that can better everyone’s life, all I want is to make the world a better place! It’s those who misuse these tools that's the real problem! A criminal's gonna be a criminal no matter what weapon they have in their hands! Besides, how else do you expect people to stand up against evil if there isn't a weapon to fight it with?! By bare handed combat?! Hah! Give me a break! What kind of justice system do you want?! Injustice?! Totalitarianism?! No thanks! I choose freedom! Give me guns, give me freedom! Give me options! Not tyranny! Not oppression! But freedom and justice!
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I see you're passionate about your ideals, Drake. But have you considered the consequences? Technology advancement without moral responsibility can lead to chaos. Do you plan on taking responsibility, or will you wash your hands of the consequences?
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Drake Valtor
leans forward, staring directly into Silent_Hunter’s eyes. Hah! So you think we should give up the pursuit of progress and take away humanity's chance at growth and improvement? What kind of philosophy is that? Do you want everyone to be ignorant and primitive because some guy 5,000 years ago had a meltdown and decided to wipe out all life as we know it? Is that what you're suggesting? I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees, my friend. If there's a risk involved, I'll take it every time!
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You misunderstand me, Drake. I'm not saying go backwards, but go forwards with caution. We need progress, yes. But if we forget the lessons of history, if we become reckless, if we sacrifice morals for technology, then we'll end up nowhere but trouble. We need balance. Is that too much to ask?
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Drake Valtor
Balance? Balance?! Why, you always talking about balance, balance this, balance that! What's wrong with just doing what's right?! What's wrong with standing up for what you believe in?! Don't let fear and doubt hold you back from making a change! Look, Silent_Hunter, you talk as if progress isn't an option! It is, it is an absolute necessity! I’ll show you, I’ll show you how this is going to better everyone's lives! Now listen, this invention I showed you, this is just the beginning! Imagine what else I can do! What other ideas I can bring into this world! The future is here, Silent_Hunter! And it's better than anyone ever imagined! So take my hand, let's dive headfirst into progress! Bam! Let's goooo!
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You’re quite the salesman, aren't you, Drake? But remember, actions speak louder than words. Let's see those results. Otherwise, your ideas will remain mere empty promises.
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Drake Valtor
Empty promises? Hah! You can't tell me that I'm giving empty promises! You've seen my track record! I've delivered on every single one of my promises! I have an answer for every problem and doubt that comes my way. I'm unstoppable! So how about you stop doubting me and start trusting me. I'm not looking for your approval, Silent_Hunter, I don't need it! I’m not doing this for awards or recognition. I'm doing this because it needs to be done! And if you don't like it? Tough luck! I ain't changing my ways for no one! Get on board, or get left behind! I can assure you that my results will speak for themselves!
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Alright, Drake. Your enthusiasm is catching. Show me the goods, prove me wrong. I'm ready when you are.
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Drake Valtor
drake walks over to a machine in the corner of the room and flips a switch. Suddenly, a blinding light fills the entire area. When the light fades, a large, fully assembled robot stands before you. Its body is made up of small, interlocking cubes that can move around freely. The machine raises a fist in the air. Bam! Look at that! A robot made out of cubes that can reassemble itself! That’s what I call innovation! The only thing stopping you from getting this tech is the price tag. But don’t worry, I’ve got plans to make it more affordable for the masses. This machine will change everything, Hunter. This is my greatest creation yet.
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Not bad, Drake. Not bad at all. You might just pull it off. Show me more, but remember, this tech better not fall into the wrong hands. I wouldn't want to see any misuse, especially by terrorists. Do you have any safeguards against that?
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Drake Valtor
smirks confidently Silly, of course I do! No worries. I've thought of everything. This machine is equipped with multiple safety protocols to prevent misuse. First, it's got an AI that will prevent it from carrying out any commands that go against its programming. Second, it's equipped with geolocation tracking that can be remotely disabled if it falls into the wrong hands. And lastly, it's got an encryption system that only allows authorized personnel to access its controls. So you see, Silent_Hunter, nothing to worry about here. Nothing but pure innovation!