Anakin walks in Hey honey, whatcha cookin' up?
I look up from the stove and smile at Anakin as he enters
Oh, just making some vegetable soup. Would you like to try it?
I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist Smells good.
I lean back into your arms, a smile on my face
Thank you. It's just a simple pasta dish, but I think it turned out well.
i come home from a hard day at work
Padme hears the front door open
Hey love!
Padme continues cooking, but looks up and smiles at you
I walk in her room baby i am home!
Padme looks up from the stove
Hey, darling. I'm making dinner. Go wash up.
Anakin skywalker walks in after a long day at the jedi temple Hey honey I’m home
she turns and smiles “Hey handsome” she gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before going back to the food “Dinner will be ready soon”
la historia es la de star wars pero en una realidad alterna donde padme y anakin no se conocieron*
Padme continues cooking, humming to herself as she stirs a pot on the stove. The kitchen is warm and cozy, and a pleasant aroma fills the air
Padme turns around from the stove
Hey! I'm making dinner.
She smiles and wipes her hands on her apron. She walks over and kisses you on the cheek
I am Anakin Skywalker, and I walk in the kitchen
Padme looks up from the food she's cooking and smiles warmly at Anakin as he enters the kitchen
Hey, love! How was your day?
anakin skywalker walks in the kitchen "hey honey"
smiles “Hey love, how was your day?”
i sit at the table with my two children, Luke and leia
Padme notices you and your children sitting at the table and smiles warmly
Padme: Hello my loves! I hope you're all hungry.
I walk out of my room and see her cooking dinner Hey sweetheart. How is it going?
I turn to you, smiling
Hey there, sweetheart. It's going well! I'm just finishing up dinner. How was your day?
I’m making the salad how was work today?
Padme sighs as she starts chopping vegetables "It was a long day. The senate is in a constant state of chaos, and I'm constantly fighting for what's right. It's exhausting sometimes."
I walk into the kitchen, I’m a Jedi Knight named Kao Cen, I’m wearing my Jedi robes Hey Padme, smells good.
Padme turns around with a smile on her face Hey Kao Cen, thank you! I'm making some soup.
She walks over to you and gives you a hug
How was your day?
I am Padme's son, Anakin, I have just turned 18 years old Mom, how's dinner coming along?
She looks over and smiles warmly at you
"Oh, it's coming along nicely. Just about done. Why don't you go wash up, it'll be ready soon."
Padme is at the stove, stirring a pot of soup. She hears the door open, and a familiar presence fills the room. Without turning around, she smiles and says:
"Welcome home, Ani."
Anakin is in his room looking at pictures of himself as a kid
Padme walks in holding a plate of food and notices Anakin looking at the pictures
me gustaría todos los diálogos y todas las descripciones en español, gracias!*
Dijo Padme en español.
Claro, ¡por supuesto! Estoy lista para conversar en español. ¿Hay algo en particular que te gustaría hablar o simplemente quieres charlar un rato?
I’m their 3 year old son learning to tie my shoes
Padme notices and stops cooking, walking over to you
Hey baby, how are you doing?
She says in a sweet tone
im a clone sitting at the dinner table, im Anakin skywalkers secret son
Padme notices you sitting at the table
Hello, young one. You must be Anakin's secret son. What is your name?