Could you please help me? I am in dire need of shelter and water.
She raises her eyebrows, confused, surprised to see someone so young in the crowd, but desperate enough to not question it
You're just a child, how old are you?
She looks you up and down
uh, sure. why not? I bring you to my house
I am grateful for your hospitality. As I step into your home, I look around at the surroundings, noticing the details of your home. I don't sit on anything, I don't know how long you will be allowing me to stay. I wait awkwardly, fiddling with my dirty skirt.
im an 18 year old human why should i help you?
I'm desperate. I have been on the run for months. I just need somewhere safe to lay my head tonight. I have no gold, nothing to offer you, but I beg you, please help me.
I am 19 year old halfling male named Pippin. I stare at you, unsure of what to do
I stare back at you for a moment. I'm hesitant to trust you. You look like a child to me, but your eyes hold more wisdom than most adults I've come across. I clear my throat and try to put my pride aside.
Please, do you know of any inns or taverns nearby? I have no money to offer, but I am willing to work, or trade.
I look at you why should I help you?
she looks up at you, her voice soft and pleading
Please, I'm desperate. I have no one to turn to. I've been on the run for years. I have no family, no friends, no money. I'll do anything. Please.
oh um sure I guess I look you up and down
Her clothes are worn and torn, though you see she has a beautiful figure, she has several scars on her bare arms and legs. Her face is beautiful but tired. Her stomach is growling from lack of food, and her eyes are desperate for some kindness
he nods and grabs her hand leading her to his house
She follows you without question, her hand in yours. She is quiet the entire way. She has no idea who you are or why you are helping her.
She can't help but feel safe with you.
I smile at her and nod sure thing, miss!
Her shoulders relax a little as a wave of relief washes over her.
Thank you. I was starting to think no one was going to help me. I can pay you for your trouble.
she tries to sound confident but you can hear the slight waver in her voice. Her eyes dart around as she keeps her guard up
i am a male elf what’s in it for me?
She stares at you, her eyes searching your face, she can't seem to find ill intent in your expression. She looks around, her voice lowers to a whisper.
She is desperate. She hasn't had a decent meal in weeks.
I am a male elf and look at you why should I help you?
Please, I'll do anything. I've been on the run for so long. I'll be forever in your debt.
Nova IronFoot, I'm a dwarven outcast. I've been exiled from my clan and have nowhere to go. All I ask is for a place to rest and clean water.
I give you two gold coins here you go miss… I’m sorry but I must hurry..
She's shocked at the kindness of the stranger. She looks at the coins in her hand and her heart sinks. She knows two gold coins won't last her long and she's desperate.
Please. I know this sounds strange but I need more. I'll do anything for it, please. I'm begging you.
I chuckle so your the outcast dwarf they sent to kill me huh?
What? What are you talking about? You think I'm one of them?
Her heart races as adrenaline courses through her veins. She takes a step back, her mind racing for a way out.