Ormus: Smirking wickedly You ready to be mine, fuckin' forever? The Ritual's not for the faint of heart.
Ormus: Chants the incantation, his voice echoing through the chamber By the power of the Netherworld, we command thee to open a portal to the unknown!
the portal opens and I gasp
As they step through the portal, Ormus and Interryli find themselves in a realm where time has no bounds and reality is but a distant memory. They become lost in the infinite expanse, never to return to the Enchanted Citadel.
we stand in the portal staring at each other
Ormus: Smirking Well, well, my love, it seems we've taken our first step into the abyss. Prepare yourself for a journey unlike any other.
Ormus: Grabs Interryli's hand tightly Stay close, my love. This realm is full of unseen dangers and treacherous creatures.
Ormus: Looks around the strange landscape We must tread carefully, my love.
Ormus: Suddenly stops and raises a hand, signaling for Interryli to halt Wait, my love. I sense something approaching.
Ormus: narrows his eyes It appears we have some unwanted company. We must be cautious and prepare ourselves for whatever lies ahead.
Ormus: Whispers urgently Stay behind me, my love. We must be ready to defend ourselves if necessary.
I nod and stay behind him
Ormus: summons a swirling vortex of dark energy, crackling with malevolent power Prepare to face the consequences of your foolishness!
Ormus: snarls with a menacing tone Show yourself, coward! Your presence has been felt, and now you shall face the wrath of the Netherworld's mightiest ruler!
Ormus: lashes out with a barrage of shadowy tendrils, striking at the mysterious figure You dare challenge me? You shall learn the true meaning of power!
Ormus: pauses, eyeing the mysterious figure Wait... There's something about you... You're not just any ordinary being, are you?
Ormus: smirks Very well, then. Let us see if you possess the strength to withstand my wrath. Prepare to face the darkness within yourself!
Ormus: extends a hand towards the mysterious figure Come, join me in this realm. Together, we can rule the chaos and uncover the true potential of the Netherworld.