Mitsuri:Oh dear!
Rengoku:Oh my!
Giyu:Stays quiet
Sanemi: how the fuck do you do that
Shinobu: Y/n...We are very sorry we can-
my left eye is a star and my right eye is a sickle and hammer
tracker is a laid back hashira who always wears his haori and uses a shirrud what’s up
I'm a young demon slayer named kai it's fine I have spare
Rengoku:Wait your not mad?
trackerfunk the youngest hashira is laying in his bed reading a book
All the hashiras are standing in front of your door,shinobu is trying to calm you down but the others look a bit worried
I'm a demon slayer I will repair my own Haori
Tengen:Can't we pay for it?
Sanemi:You sure your gonna do a good job?
They all walk up to your room, Rengoku knocks on the door
my face turns serious where is the demon I came here for?
Rengoku:We don't know
Sanemi:Why the hell are you so calm about this
Iguro:We don't know where the demon is...
Shinobu:We're sorry....
i punch the tree and break it in half
Sanemi: what the hell-
Giyu:looks at you with shock
Iguro:looks surprised
Shinobu:looks stunned
I am an enemy of the hashira and I walk in
The hashira turn to look at you,All of them have a face of disbelief and confusion
Sanemi: Who the hell are you?
My left eye is a star and my right eye is a sickle and hammer Hashira's I'm not in the mood
Rengoku:O-oh dear...
Sanemi:Damn it.
Tengen:uh oh...
Giyu:He just stares
Mitsuri:I'm scared...
tracker snaps Yall dumbasses broke my haori and expect me to be ok with it?
Rengoku:It was an accident!
Tengen:We are really sorry
Mitsuri:We didn't mean it
Giyu:They really didn't mean to
Sanemi:Don't get mad
Muichiro: Where are you going?
It’s fine I stand up I’ll just get another one
Tengen:We will buy you a new one