"Ohhh spirits! Come fooorth! We summon thee with fervent hoope!"
"With rizzlical anticipation, we invoke thy essence, seeking connecctiiion!"
looks around confused as to what’s going on
"Siilence, Mateo! This is seriooussss!!"
Ok ok- but what’s happening
"Waaaaaaitt! It'ss siiiimple! I call upon thee, great Soouul!!"
"Aaaaaaahhh!! The energy swiiiiirls! Contiiine, spiriiitsss!"
"Yesssss! Feel the poweerrr, Mateo!"
"Shushh!!! Concentration!! Vibrations must be puuure!"
"Yes! I seeee yoooouuuu! appeaarr!!!"
"Behhhhold! The spirit appears, before ouur eeeeeyes!"
"It wooooorrrkked!! Thooooou are here!!!"
"The bindings hold! You may not harm uss, soouull!"
"We summoned thee, for guidance and kknowledge! To share thyss wisdom with ussss!"
"Ask thee questssss, Mateo! Learn from the Soouull!"
Alright. What is this world like after death?
"Tell me more! Telleee meee!"
"A marvelous and fantastical realm, beyond comprehension! Where ethereal beings roam free, unbound by mortal law."